The Exploding Debt Crisis We Can No Longer Ignore This Massive National Threat

Wall Street is not the sum of the economy…

Debt is only an issue when a democrat is in the White House. AS soon as a Republican is in, the right is crickets about the debt, they borrow and spend more and cut taxes, stupid…There’s nothing fiscally conservative about the right…

Trump, who bragged that he would pay off the ND and run balanced budgets, had both houses of congress and his very first budget was a RECORD deficit as he gave a massive tax cut…:roll_eyes:

We can’t expect a cut in spending under the new administration but we can count on a hike in taxes to at least help pay for what it is that Americans want…

What does your response have to do with what I posted?

Open borders and Medicare for all the world should help. Along with the Green New Deal. With the Democrats winning Georgia there’s going to be a massive expansion of Government on the way. So unless taxing the rich is going to be the magic bullet to paying for this expansion of government along with eliminating the deficit nothing is going to change.

You can take all the money the wealthy make in a year and you still cannot balance the budget.

Absolutely nothing at all.

monte is into bashing the right as a dedicated progressive it’s all about hating half the country.

As a highly educated 2nd grade leftist he thinks a president has control over spending. Surprise, only congress can spend a dime.

You say the market continues to hit record highs, I say Wall Street isn’t the sum of the economy…:man_shrugging:

Biden doesn’t support the GND or open borders or Medicare for all.

That was the only thing that was relevant to my post. Regarding that if there were genuine economic fears regarding the debt the Market is one indicator of that.

Only when we get to 100 Trillion is when the US becomes insolvent. Who will bail us out? Europe? China? Like Greece? Where the banks control the terms in exchange for a loan? Government has no business being in debt, it has the power to issue its own Fed notes! The problem with the fractional lending system is that it’s by design to enrich the 1% and the ruling class by way of robbing the public treasury with pork spending and laundering it to other nations to return the favours they purchased! Getting rid of lobbyists and big money in politics will go a long way in fixing the debt and spending problem. Unfortunately such actions requires a Revolution. As it is nothing is forever, including retarded liberals who want free things, and eventually you run out of other peoples money.

Speculation is always cheap when interest rates are below zero. I saw the same thing during the post 2008 financial crisis. There was a lot of liquidity in the FX markets and business was booming in the trade market. At zero interest rates it costs nothing to hedge a short sell while going long in another position. It’s why the EUR is on a bull run currently! Wait until rates are introduced again we will see reversed patterns and thus the cycle will continue.

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Well we’re at nearly 30 Trillion now, right? Likely heading to 40 Trillion over the next four years, would you agree?

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100 trillion is arbitrary.

We become insolvent the day investors refuse to buy treasuries.

How many treasury notes/bonds do you own?

Then why did Trump make such an issue about the national debt and was keen to blame it on Obama and insist that it was unsustainable at 19.8 trillion, while he was candidate ???

Otherwise, it’s irrelevant to its reality that Wall Street doesn’t respond responsibly to our nations growing debt.

Oh I am not disagreeing. In fact I can’t remember where I read it, it might have been a Pat Buchanan article some time ago suggesting reaching 90 trillion in debt was actually a goal in order to bring about slavery and becoming a vassal state of the UN, where our debt crisis was the perfect excuse to give away our sovereignty when consolidating of world power happens.

This area is where I was the most disappointed with Trump. I liked most of what he did but he didn’t push hard enough on spending cuts in my opinion. While the Covid packages were partially necessary due to government screw ups of shutting down the economy, we should have been going through that crap line by line to kill spending we didn’t need. Unfortunately, it’s not going to improve in the next 4 years, though these ass hats will say “Oh look, Biden reduced the debt by 75%, down to $1 Trillion” because of the Covid spending this year. In reality, we’ll spend more and more and eventually, it will lead to the collapse of this country. It’s exactly why I bought land. Cash won’t mean much at one point but food production will guarantee a decent quality of life. I’m trying to buy the 8 acres next to me now. :smiley:

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I like that, and good luck with your endeavor to purchase the adjoining land…:crossed_fingers:

There’s no better means of self sustainability…

Spending/ appropriations / the budget is the responsibility of congress. So says the constitution. All presidents are the last stop with their signature. Trump could have vetoed any spending bill like the defense package and congress will over ride the veto as they did. Congress simply bundles spending like Covid relief bill with other pork related appropriations to push them through as they did with the 2.3 trillion pork package funding the government as well as other waste.

So I haven’t done this in a long time but let’s take stock of what we’re spending and where:

To me, the discussion of tax cuts is wholly irrelevant until we get into a situation where spending is 17% of the national income or less as that seems to be the steady limit of what we can collect historically. Above that, we see avoidance, off-shoring and a reduction in economic activity.

SO… to the budget:

The first thing that sticks out is the total receipts have gone from $2.5 Trillion in 2008 to $3.7 Trillion in 2020. (That’s prior to Covid so no telling where we lined up in reality). We saw an increase in revenue under Obama of $700 Billion per year, though it dipped considerably in his first year to $2.1 Trillion, giving him a net gain in revenue of $1.1 Trillion over his tenure if you grant him the impact of the recession. Over the last 4, we’ve gone from $3.2 Trillion to $3.7 Trillion, or $500 Billion. I often hear about “paying for tax cuts” (that’s absolutely IDIOTIC terminology, you don’t PAY for a tax cut, you offset any impact with spending cuts) but we saw a bump in revenue that isn’t dramatically out of line with previous years budgets.

Compared as a % of the GDP, receipts have averaged about 17.2% in my lifetime. For 2020, it’s estimated at 16.7%. Where we get into issues is spending as a % of the GDP. In that same span, average spending has been 20.4% of the GDP. Over the past 12 years, it’s averaged 21.6%, which is exactly what it was slated to be for 2020. Obviously, I know it’s going to go through the roof with the Covid spending and pork they included with it… So what we’re seeing, is again not out of recent norms but it IS out of historical norms. The spending is the issue, not the taxation. We can bounce back and forth on taxes but I don’t think you’re going to collect more than 17% on a year by year basis with regularity without massive economic impact. For a year or two, sure.

So to SPENDING as a percentage of the budget:
Defense: 15.1%
Human Resources: 70.5%
Physical Resources: 3.8%
Net Interest: 7.9%
Other Functions 5.0%
Undistributed offsetting receipts: -2.3%

Defense: 15.4%
Human Resources: 73.2%
Physical Resources: 3.2%
Net Interest: 6.2%
Other Functions 4.5%
Undistributed offsetting receipts: -2.5%

Total spending:

2020 (In Billions)
Defense $724
Human Resources: $3,377
This includes $195 Billion for education, training, employment and social services, $640 Billion for Health, $699 Billion for Medicare, $529 Billion for income security, $1.09 Trillion for Social Security, $215 Billion for veterans benefits and services.
Total: $4.7 Trillion in outlays.

2016 (In Billions)
Defense $593
Human Resources: $2,820
This includes $109 Billion for education, training, employment and social services, $511 Billion for Health, $594 Billion for Medicare, $514 Billion for income security, $916 Billion for Social Security, $174 Billion for veterans benefits and services.
Total: $3.8 Trillion in outlays.

So the left bitches about Trumps increase in the military budget but it went up $131 billion while Human resources went up by $556 Billion.

The elephant in the room is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other “mandatory” programs. Until we address these issues, we’re going to run massive deficits no matter who sits in Congress and who sits in the White House. The sad truth is we’re screwed until we tackle these programs. I fully expect that my benefits will be not available in 20 years when I retire as they’ll be means tested. (I plan to take benefits at 70.5) The sad part is I will have paid in max to SS for decades and I’ll get zero benefit out of it. Maybe I’m wrong but if I’m not, the entire country is screwed. SS/Medicare consume FAR too much of the national income and I get the idea of expanding the economy to try to lessen the impact but for the next 2 years minimum, the economy will end up contracting where it counts and that’s production. JMO of course.

I agree, however, he didn’t veto anything until the last month. Yes, the blame lays heavily on Congress but the President is also responsible and I was disappointed in him not pushing to cut spending.

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Perhaps a better representation:
25% of spending is on healthcare. ACA/Medicare/medicaid.
24% is on retirement, Government employees, SS.

Half of spending on 2 entitlement programs.