The Exploding Debt Crisis We Can No Longer Ignore This Massive National Threat

70% on entitlements… yet every Libtard in the world wants to cut Defense, 15% of the budget, to solve the problem. Never want to screw with welfare, or actually tax the bottom 40% of income earners. Just SO disconnected when they talk about tax cuts for the rich. That’s like bitching because only people with feet benefit from cheaper shoes. . . except 40% of the people would have no feet in this scenario. :smiley:

And especially responsible because he’s the fake ass that campaigned to be the fiscally responsible president and pay off the ND, and run balanced budgets because for smart business guys like him, it’s easy. Well he fucked that all up.

The big stink he made about Obama, the doubling of the ND during his two terms, and the budget deficits that he signed, only to increase the debt far more per year, and sign into law RECORD budget deficits every year, demonstrates what a stupid fake he is…

Interest on the debt 2019, 375 trillion.
Interest on the debt 2020, 523 billion
the going interest rate for 2020 was 1.5% average.

How long before Interest become the largest line item in the US budget?

Do you not see that this is by design and why?

I don’t think it’s so much deliberate design as politicians enriching themselves at the expense of the citizens. With a giant budget, it’s really easy to launder money.

That’s part of it but IMO it is also deliberate. Go watch “Agenda 21” and you might rethink what is actually going on. It wasn’t too long ago before Bush Dubaya we were less than 5 trillion which by comparison of where we are at today was a pretty manageable number.

Yep, and Trump was going to be different, he was going to pay off the national debt he said, he promised balanced budgets because it’s easy. Man did he ever fuck that up…

This is simply buying votes. As we do not have term limits for congress, they all seek to retain their power

American hav this hands out saying can I have more please, congress delivers.

What’s the purpose of giving people working their jobs and not impacted financially 1200, 600 bucks?