The Exploding Debt Crisis We Can No Longer Ignore This Massive National Threat

My knickers aren’t in a knot.

Well, that is untrue.

Trump, you should remember, brags that he doesn’t pay taxes, considers that he’s smart because of it, which suggests that patriots, paying their fair share are stupid…

Biden is going to work on that. Taxes are going up for everyone over 400K…

It’s what got you triggered to begin with…

Nah. He took all of the deductions he could. Everyone in business does.

That is a lib term, “triggered”.

I’ll rely on my CPA firm to deal with how much I can legally not pay to the government. I suspect you do the same, you are just less honest about it.

The clueless part is the losses for reduced taxes. I don’t know anyone that would rather take the massive losses than pay massive Income taxes.

That’s not true, I answered your question on that straight away. But you’re treating taxes as definitive of corporate welfare. I’m referring to corporate subsidies… legitimate tax deductions made law is not welfare whether corporate or individual…

Getting back to the topic of the op, the national debt was very important to the right at the end of the Obama administration. He was very criticized, especially by Trump, for the 19.8 trillion that had amassed under his two terms. Trump campaigned on it and promised to be better, he was going to pay it off in 8 years and run balanced budgets, it’s easy he bragged. Looks like he was naive when it comes to economics, not much of a business savvy man after all. Every budget he has put his big sharpie signature to has been a RECORD Deficit. And now he leaves office with the ND setting at nearly 28 trillion…:flushed: Something John Harvot completely ignores…

Sure would be nice to have the 19.8 trillion back that he made such a stink about…:roll_eyes:

A real patriot would ask where the tax money is going.
The debt crisis is inherent in the current banking system we live under, regardless of your nationality, and it’s not the fault of this President or that President.
The debt, be it personal or national, is the bread and butter for the banksters.

Why do you think Jesus chased away the money changers (banksters) from the temple?
Assuming, of course, it really happened.

Yeah, we do that too. And in a country of 340 million people, you’re not going to always approve…

How would something get passed with out a overall number approving?

This conversation is pretty hilarious! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The monte lives in a separate reality.


You pay your taxes I paid taxes for many years while owning 2 businesses…There are some ( the very wealthy that don’t) The current President is a perfect example…In the 90’s donnie bankrupted 3 casinos…“how can a man be called a business man when you can’t run 3 casinos where people just come and give you their money…but I digress”… So back in the 90’s donnie bankrupted 3 casinos…just before filing for the bankruptcies donnie borrowed 900 million dollars from the banks…he hid the 900 million and filed bankruptcy…The IRS ended up giving him 900 million exemption against paying future taxes…Donnie didn’t have to pay taxes for about a decade+

So what actually happened…Donnie stole 900 million by filing bankruptcy…then he didn’t pay taxes on the next 900 million in income…and the banks filed because they lost 900 million…all of which will have cost the taxpayer billions…This what the rich does daily then they say it’s the people that are the problem hahaha what a laugh…They say Social Security/ Medicare is the problem when the people pay for it weekly from their FICA…

Well, everybody is the beneficiary of local, state and federal government goods, services and infrastructure that we all may take for granted, just getting to work every day. And with the tentacles of a wealthy man like Trump and others, perhaps more so.

There’s a reason why Trump has kept his tax returns hidden from Americans for 4 years, and a reason why New York is getting its legal ducks in a row for post Trump presidency.

Well monte,

It’s always so simple isn’t it especially when certain details are omitted.

Three of the casino bankruptcies came during the recession of the early 1990s and the Gulf War both of which contributed to hard times in Atlantic City, New Jersey’s gambling facilities. Seems during a recession people don’t gamble as much.
The Taj Mahal resort: Trump was forced to relinquish half of his ownership in the casino and sell off his yacht and his airline. The Taj Mahal emerged from bankruptcy within weeks of its filing but was later closed.

Castle Hotel & Casino entered bankruptcy in March 1992 and had the most difficulty among Trump’s Atlantic City properties in covering its operational costs. The Trump Organization relinquished half of its holdings in the Castle to the bondholders. Trump opened the Castle in 1985. The casino remains in operation under new ownership and a new name, the Golden Nugget.

Plaza Casino entered bankruptcy in March 1992 (in addition to the Castle Hotel & Casino). The 39-story, 612-room Plaza opened on the Atlantic City boardwalk in May 1984 after Trump struck a deal to build the casino with Harrah’s Entertainment. Trump Plaza closed in September 2014.

As a side note, Can’t find where he borrowed 900 million before the bankruptcies.

He does have 900 million i loans on various properties that come due in the next few years. And you don’t pay taxes on loans, imagine that mr. business person.

Do you in any way this any business person choses to lose half of their business investment in bankruptcy and write the loss off on their income taxes? What’s that write off worth? 20 cents on the dollar???

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Now he’s confusing the two of us…:roll_eyes:

And yet in the face of this the Market continues to make record highs? Perhaps at some point the debt will matter but it doesn’t seem like we are anywhere close.

The debt now being financed by the Federal Reserve to the tune of over 4 trillion will become an issue when investors give the US the middle finger and demand a risk premium.

The Fed is now forced to keep interest rates at near zero as the interest at 5% would push the US into insolvency. The government could eliminate debt by zeroing out the debt the Fed Reserve holds, the SS treasuries, the medicare treasuries and buy a bit more time however until spending is cut dramatically and taxes raise on all workers the end is already written.