The End Game is Here 🎯 🎱

“There is a dark craving for rot… as if decay were an escape from the limits, the oppressive fears and the pains of an individual existence.” — Eric Hoffer

“2023 Will Be Year From Hell”

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says nothing is going to get better by the end of 2022, and he is still forecasting “chaos” coming in 2023.

Armstrong says the plunge in the stock market last week is all because of “extreme uncertainty.” Armstrong predicted a stock market crash two months ago and contends, “It’s not over.”

Europe is in big financial trouble with Russian natural gas turned off as a retaliation from the sanctions. Armstrong explains:

In Europe, I believe they are actually deliberately doing this, and this is Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset.’

They know they have a serious problem.

They lowered rates to below 0% in 2014. They just started raising interest rates. Meanwhile, you ordered all the pension funds throughout Europe to have more than 70% in government bonds. Then they took it negative.

All the pension funds are insolvent. Europe is fiscal mismanagement on a grand scale. There is no way it can sustain itself, and we are looking at Europe breaking apart.

So, could Europe suck the rest of the world down the tubes? Armstrong says, “Oh, absolutely. Europe is the problem…"

"The crisis in banking will start in Europe…The debt is collapsing. They have no way to sustain themselves.

The debt market over there is undermining the stability of all the banks.

You have to understand that reserves are tied to government debt, and this is the perfect storm.

Yes, the (U.S.) stock market will go down short term. We are not facing a 1929 event or a 90% fall here… Europeans, probably by January of 2023, as this crisis in Ukraine escalates, anybody with half a brain is going to take whatever money they have and get it over here.

In closing, Armstrong says, “Something is going to spark a collapse in government again. It’s going to be something, I think, in Europe where they do something drastic because they have no other choice. . . . They need war as the excuse for the defaults of all the government debt.”

This is the read of the week

New survey data show that young people are losing the knowledge and the habits necessary to reproduce a stable society

Views of America from Australia interviews Tucker Carlson. On the issue of Culture and America destroying itself from within.

Absolutely everything is planned!

This woman is spot on!

This is the fker that is controlling a large portion of the worlds wealth and he needs to be stopped!


Well look at this! The cat is out of the bag!

Who is absent from this picture?

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I don’t see George Soros, or did I miss it?

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I thought he was the guy in the far rear center, but not sure. Don’t see Macron there either.


This video reveals a very troubling trend when it comes to AI and your private data, especially involving law enforcement agencies that simply purchase a warrant from a data company as opposed to having a physical judge sign off on it.


I think you’re right, but not sure.

I am kind of surprised to see Ivanka Trump in this pic and now has me thinking twice and asking WTF

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I don’t think that it’s him. It’s someone else

On second look I think you are right. I don’t see his prune eyes. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: