The Dems Could Bern It All Down

The timing of the senate trial seems to be a not very well veiled attempt to let him essentially run unopposed in the first three states allowing him to pretty well secure the nomination before the rest can get back to the race.

I hope youā€™re right on that. And I hope Iā€™m wrong on that.

Time will tell.

Doubtful but it is a pleasant thought.

Sheā€™d then just move to another district and unseat another democrat like she did to win this seat.

No, Iā€™d give Steyer zero chance of anything. Heā€™s an even more annoying scold than Booker, just a rich California gadfly. Gabbard is already Putinā€™s puppet according to the queen of annoying scolds.

Biden looks to me like the anointed one, moving at an even more languid pace than Hillary did four years ago. Yes, heā€™s a sure loser and corrupt and low-energy and ridiculous from several angles - and it looks like heā€™s already a lock with the powers that be.

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Agreed. Her popularity with the ā€œprogressiveā€ left is incredibly high. Itā€™s unlikely that she will ever have to go work for a living ever again.

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Iā€™m not talking about him pulling conservatives over, heā€™s not crazy and heā€™s not a hard left nut so heā€™d have a lot of appeal to NE Republicans and a lot of independents.

Remember the winner will be the person that can draw about half of the 10-12% of independents in the middle.

He also has that mature, soft spoken, middle of the road old white guy appeal that matters to a lot of people and inarguably heā€™s had a very successful career and very little personal baggage.

Once somebody like that gets the nomination for either party they pose a real danger just because they wonā€™t offend a large portion of the electorate right off the bat so they remain persuadeable.

If nothign else sheā€™ll take a six or eight figure gig as a reporter or talking head, or maybe at some leftwing Obamaesque think tank.

She wonā€™t ever be pouring drinks for minimum wage and tips again for sure.

I like a little suspense, too, but Iā€™ve been watching Steyer for awhile now, heā€™s from my area, and familiarity breeds contempt. If I had to put down $100 on the Dem nominee, Iā€™d even put it on Hillary before Steyer. Iā€™d put it on Anthony Weiner before Steyer.

donā€™t misunderstand, I donā€™t like him, Iā€™m not saying heā€™a a likely nominee.

I am saying if he were the nominee, especially paired with Gabbard he could be a real threat to Trump winning reelection.

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I hesitate to make too bold a prediction after Trumpā€™s astonishing success, but Steyer would be the loosest of loose cannons, on issues sure to turn people off. After impeaching Trump, his number 1 priority is to declare a state of emergency over climate change.

That kind of lunacy appeals to a disturbingly large portion of the country too.

Maybe sheā€™ll open a bar and call it AOCā€™s OASISā€¦

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