The Dems Could Bern It All Down

With Bernie Sanders recently surging in the polls and considering what project Veritas has just recently revealed, Sanders winning the Democratic nomination is becoming a very scary proposition to consider, especially for the Democratic Party.

Kurt Schilicter nails it in this piece that I recommend every American loving patriot who cherishes freedom should read!

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I think after this Warren/CNN catastrophe Sanders has the nomination all but locked in. The establishment leaned too far forward to sabotage Sanders and everyone saw it on display. I think that old commie prick is the only one out of the entire weak field who will actually give Trump a difficult time and will not take any shit on the debate stage. He is the only actual contender they have, as much as they hate him too. Iā€™m worried he picks AOC as his VP - then we are all fucked.

I donā€™t think she can legally be the VP because she is too young. She has to at least be 35 and sheā€™s only 30 but thereā€™s no stopping him from picking someone just as awful.

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Damn - didnā€™t realize she was that young. Good point.

I was wondering did you read the article? Especially the part where he referenced Barry Goldwater? I see the same fate happening to Sanders as it happened to Goldwater. As remote of a possibility as it sounds, If Sanders did manage to win the nomination and go on to defeat Trump, things would certainly get a lot worse where a civil war would indeed break out. There is no way I can foresee Patriot Americans giving way to full blown communism while funding their own demise at the same time. That would be insane!


Itā€™s a good read, thanks for the link.


The Sanders campaign needs a far more direct response to this guy, and they should discharge him.

But heā€™s a true believer- and thatā€™s why they donā€™t fire him, instead they just call it ā€œpolitical gossipā€. Unfortunately the parasite wing of the party watches the video and thinks #$^&%$ YEAH!

Millennials have no grasp of history beyond the carefully chosen propaganda their teachers and profs gave them, so they donā€™t see the danger.


Perhaps, but Iā€™d like to see Sanders response if this was brought to his attention.

Americans are getting blinded by the offers of free shit. Rightfully so too. The same people that want to institute their version of democratic socialism are the same ones that pushed the propaganda that our students all need a college education and that they have to go into insane amounts of debt to do it. They set this up expertly so they can grasp power. Itā€™s working. I almost want to see Trump make a power move on this and issue student loan forgiveness to take the wind out of their sails. It probably wonā€™t ever happen but I think it would be a good move tactically because then it takes away a reason to go for Sanders.

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And with Trump already signing RECORD deficits, how would you propose paying for it, borrow some more?

Nah - just do what the Fed does with the banks already. Print more cash and inject it into the banks. As long as our fiat currency is the global standard, inflation will be marginal.

Oh ok, Iā€™ve never seen that advocated.

Because the banks wonā€™t get any interest if that happened. The balances would be settled as they stand at the time of the transaction. The politicians who are advocating for student loan forgiveness want to get there through increases in taxes. I think thatā€™s retarded. All we need to do is apply the same ā€œquantitative easingā€ approach that was used for years after the 2008 financial crisis. We are already heading that direction anyway as student loan defaults continue to increase and discharging the debts are impossible thanks to student loans being removed from bankruptcy law.

You canā€™t just forgive student loan debt without also making college free.

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True. That doesnā€™t change the fact that there is a bubble that keeps getting bigger and bigger and it will eventually burst, which will be very disruptive to the marketsā€¦just like 2008.

One way the government can start solving this problem is by limiting FAFSA amounts significantly. The schools keep increasing tuition and FAFSA keeps increasing what they will pay out. Meanwhile a lot of state schools are sitting on massive endowments that are larger than the state budgets. Thatā€™s bullshit.

I donā€™t know what the right equation is but state schools can structure tuition based upon income with strict FAFSA caps. Private colleges could charge whatever they wanted but they canā€™t get FAFSA. That may not be the perfect solution but itā€™s a whole lot better than what we are dealing with right now.

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I think whenever the US isnā€™t able to force other countries to buy or sell oil in USD the status of having the global currency will come to an end. That would mean the US military would have to be less powerful than the conglomerate of shithole countries that produce oil, that day is approaching, the US military is getting weaker, not stronger. All those fancy drones and missile systems can only go but so far. Eventually the horribly mismanaged infantry and navy wonā€™t be able to big boy other countries, they will use gold backed currency to get/sell oil and tell the US to fuck themselves and Americans wont be able to do shit with their culturally enriched, woman and tranny filled social experiment they call the military. If I had to put a number on it, I would say about another 10 years. The collapse is happening in slow motion right now, but I think the petrodollar has to fail for things to get really exciting. Thats when dollars get dumped on the US, hyperinflation, or better yet a dollar shortage and EBT receiving minorities instantly chimp out when they canā€™t get free shit. Forgiving student loan debt isnā€™t going to stop the collapse.

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SO sheā€™ll be around for a long, long time. :frowning:

I doubt that. She has aggravated way too many establishment democrats and they are trying to re-district her out of existence now.

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Trump is appointing a historical number of Federal judges who will hopefully interpret the Constitution as written.

IMO he is padding the future for us in case he doesnā€™t win or (LOL) gets impeached.

What concerns me is the possibility of Bernie being able to fill one or even two seats on the Supreme Court.

Trump is temporary. The Justices are not.

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