The Democrats’ 2020 Campaign Theme Is “You Americans Are Terrible”

This op-ed pretty much sums it up, but what else can they do against a slogan of “Keep America Great.” To admit America is great would technically be a victory for Trump, therefore, they need to argue that it isn’t great and since terrible is an antonym for great they can argue against America being great by calling its people terrible.

The Democrats’ 2020 theme is that you are terrible and the party’s slogan will be “Americans suck, vote for us.” The precise candidate who will employ it is not important because they all embrace the notion that punishing the essential moral failure of you and me and every other Normal American is the key goal of the Donkey Party. That goes equally for the Handsey Old Prospector, the Socialist Squaw, Crusty the Commie, Spartacus Sharpton, Starchild, the Furry, Not Ms. Willie Brown, the Unfabulous Gay Guy, and the many Unfabulous Ungay Guys.

They all agree that you are terrible because you don’t know your place, which is behind a rock pushing it endlessly uphill for the benefit of people who hate you.

Remember Animal Farm from back when you were in school and they taught it as a chilling warning about socialism instead of as a how-to manual? Remember the horse who got worked nearly to death then got sent to the glue farm?

Guess what? You’re the horse.

Your job is to work to generate taxes and feed the cities and defend the country while your betters clink Chardonnay glasses between bouts of redistributing the fruits of your labor to buy the votes of their slack Democrat political constituencies.

And besides being the engine that powers the establishment, you also fulfill another important function. You’re the liberal elite’s punching bag, the scapegoat, the convenient excuse for every flaw, failing and foul-up in the society that very same elite runs. You don’t get the credit you’re due; instead you get scorn, because that scorn both gins up the elite’s dopey allies and acts to keep you in line. It’s a stick to beat you and a chain to bind you.

Except people are getting sick of being beaten and bound. Unless you are a Never Trumper, in which case you’re probably into that scene.

What are your crimes? Heck, what aren’t your crimes?

You’re greedy because you don’t want to pay taxes so foreign freeloaders can get better free medical care than our vets.

You’re stupid because you think there’s just two genders and that you don’t consider a “bi-curious femme-friendly questioning two-spirit” an option.

You’re a monster for wondering why boys in drag are competing (and setting “records”) in girls’ sports and for not accepting that men have periods too.

You’re terrible for interfering in things you know nothing about by rejecting any new endless wars – how dare you question the experts who have laid down such a solid track record of success over the last three decades!

You’re a superstitious knuckle-dragger for believing in God and a heretic for denying that last week’s thunderstorm was not a direct result of Trump’s failure to enter into the Paris Accords 2.0 and finally ban drinking straws.

You’re a brute for liking guns and big cars and being able to do a push-up.

You’re everything bad, including things that aren’t even things. Just take a word and stick an -ist or a -phobe on it and that’s what you are.

Racist. Sexist. Ableist. Imperialist. Global Warming Denialist. Fatist.

Homophobe. Islamophobe. Transphobe. Confronting-Your-Owning-A-Dog-Privilegephobe.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

No matter what, you’re wrong.

No matter what, you’re terrible.

No matter what, it’s you’re fault and it’s your responsibility to give up more of your money and more of your freedom to undo whatever is the elite’s designated crisis du jour .

It’s so tiresome. The Democrat debates weren’t debates; they were creepy clusters of consensus about why normal people are the problem. But we’re done listening, not that that keeps them from trying even though it appears their shriveled hearts are no longer in it. They just go through the motions and we’re supposed to nod our heads, accept the sentence of shame – whether decreed by a Democrat candidate or some Twitter blue check millennial “journalist” at – then cease our uppitiness and go back to toiling to make our indolent elite richer.

But now we are committing our greatest sin among our multitudes of sins, worse than even our myriad pronoun crimes and misgendering misdemeanors.

We are refusing to submit to their agenda.

We’re refusing to accept our moral subservience and vote Democrat.

We are refusing to do as the Fredocons do and moan “Thank you, xir, may I have another?”

We are rejecting the idea that people breaking our laws should get a hug and a check instead of a cell and a boot. Got a case of the sads because you end up in a cage as a direct result of breaking the laws we enacted through our elected representatives? Then don’t come here illegally. Works every time.

We are rejecting the idea that Big Tech Democrat donors should control our discourse, and we are turning our own politicians like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz on them despite the admonitions of our betters that True Conservative™ principles demand we honor the free market by letting Silicon Valley millennial goofs determine what can and cannot be said on-line.

And we are rejecting the notion that some possibly brother-wedding twerp America saved from a Third World hellhole has no obligation to show a little gratitude to the people who rescued her.

The glory of Donald Trump, and of Normal Americans, is that we just don’t care what the Democrats and their media and Renfieldcon allies think.

Oh, they still try to control us by appealing to us as if their moral appeals weren’t just a bad joke.

We’re better than that!

This is not who we are!

We…we…oh well I never!

Who is this “we” anyway? Because elitists see no common ground with us except when they think playing the “we” card gives them some transitory advantage.

There’s no “we” when the elite talks about how racist/sexist/whateverist Normal Americans are and giggles among themselves about us rubes.

There’s no “we” when it’s time for a bailout – if you blow your money, you go bankrupt while if the Democrat donors on Wall Street do you must write them a check.

There’s no “we” when the consequences of the globalism that enriches the elite sends our jobs to Kuala Lumpur.

There’s no “we” when they hop in their private jets to wing their way to Davos to warn of the dangers of climate change and the necessity of us ditching our SUVs and taking the bus to work.

There’s no “we” when it our kids, and not theirs, who are packing up and deploying for the elite’s latest failed war.

Hard pass. Democrats. “Americans suck, vote for us” just isn’t going to fly. Instead, we have our own slogan. Here it is:

“We’re voting for ourselves. Trump 2020.”

Your irredeemable badness requires counterbalancing by a left-wing hell-state that will impose upon you the iron discipline necessary to purge your essential awfulness. Want to see what then would look like – and how you might not react in the submissive way your liberal overlords desire? Then check out my action-packed yet highly amusing novels about the United States’ split into red and blue countries, People’s Republic , Indian Country and Wildfire . These quality books have been called “Appalling” and have earned the fussy hatred of leftists and from the crew of the failed Weekly Standard , to the limited extent the circles in the Venn diagram depicting those two motley collections of social defectives don’t precisely overlap.


I have always despised the Democrats as a party. I have had plenty of close friends and colleagues over the years who were Democrats. Our difference of political opinion never got in the way of friendships or productive working relationships.

Now, forget it. I don’t understand how so many people have been brainwashed so fast into hating their own country and the people who love it. Never in my life did I expect something like this to happen. It’s incredibly sad.


It honestly befuddles me. What country do they want to emulate and what advantage would what they aspire us to become offer us?


I used to understand their argument about being more like Europe back before Europe was completely taken over by third world migration. It sounds like a nice idea, to have a powerful economy and give everyone a lot of benefits. They never realized that the countries they were talking about were smaller than some of our states. They also never realized that in order to provide those benefits they would have to have a lot more taken out of their paychecks.

Now, I think that they just want us to be completely like Europe and be overtaken by third world migration without any of the benefits. They really only care about showing their friends how liberal they are, from the confines of their gated communities.

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And then what. Do they, are they capable of long term thinking about the consequences…(rhetorical question).

Has there ever been a successful political campaign that guilted the American people into voting a particular way?

The party of GUILT ! The party that had it WRONG since the days before honest Abe .
The Democrats record and the times they were on the wrong side of history are too numerous to count . It was the Democrats that were in favor of slavery and fought to keep it alive in the 1850’s. It was the Democrats who split the country in half when they seceded from the union. It was the Democrats who started the KKK and instituted Jim Crow laws throughout the South. How can we forget the Great War On Poverty, which after decades have seen more people in poverty with trillions of wasted dollars spent.
Nothing excites a liberal more than the idea of controlling where you go to school, regulating your work and play, deciding what type of health care you’re going to have and then deciding when you get to retire and how much money you have when you do. Even if you want to choose, you can’t. Even if you want to break free, you’re stuck. You’re not allowed to make different choices because liberals have made it illegal.”

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Yep. Pre 1965 Democrats were shitty people.

Democrats of 2019 are on the correct side for racial issues. Parties change, ideologies don’t.

What does that even mean?

Does it mean that everyone in the world is allowed to prefer living among white people…except white people?

I’m confused. Perhaps you can illustrate further what the “correct side” of this issue is and what authority deemed it to be correct.


That is hysterical! What are the issues? Lay them out. If you are able to you will be the first Democrat to do so.


I’ve got a serious question for you:

  • Which community has been made safer, more prosperous, cleaner, and received greater social cohesion, with the introduction of ‘diversity?’

If ‘diversity is a strength,’ surely you will have many examples.


The only thing they can ever point to is food. They are like small children.

Minorities deemed it so… by overwhelmingly siding with democrats on social issues that affect them. That is the authority. Not you (assuming you are white) or I.

What is or isn’t racist isn’t dictated in America by white people. Sorry.

The economy, education, social issues.

But here is the kicker… they typically explicitly talk about different ways to uplift the black community. That is the key. By doing that they aren’t saying white people aren’t important. They are saying that a community that was specifically oppressed (with laws and institutions) in the US for 100’s of years need the reverse treatment to resolve it.

2014 is not ancient history. Can you please explain why this was not portrayed at the time as a morally abominable statement?

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Is the goal of diversity to achieve all those things you list? I would say no, at least not immediately. What we are witnessing is that a majority of white people are fighting the issue of diversity and think exactly like you. In 40 years it will be a completely different conversation.

Obama wanted Central American kids kicked out of the country and sent back…that was different apparently.

Now they are on the right side of history :rofl:

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Why are you racist against white people?


The leftist narrative has changed and now its the bleeding heart sob :sob: story of separating children from their parents. Liberals turn like worms on an issue whichever way the political winds blow in their favor. :roll_eyes: