The Dangerous Case of Joe Biden

You are also inclined to Bold, entirely unsupported, Assertion.

The stuff is toxic in relatively small quantities.

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Don’t presume to go The Dozens with me, laddie…You’ll find yourself in tears, running to the Mods.

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We already have a moron in office…

So damned stupid that he wouldn’t read 1 page intelligence briefings, preferring to hand them to Jared…who lacked the proper clearance…

Amateur hour.

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How old are you? Do you actually listen to yourself? You talk like your still in high school! GTFU!

I’m not going to do your homework for you, little cowboy. It is being used to treat COVID-19 in many countries…with great success. Try reading in lieu of playing with yourself. Otherwise you may go blind.


One of us reads…

You struggle with basic rules of grammar.

Did you ever earn any college credits, or are you an autodidact?

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Rave on, little cowboy.

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Didn’t take long to exhaust your game, did it…

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He’s a pickaninny.


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I see you’re one of those idiots that thinks the last post wins. :rofl:

What a dork you are!

Who could hope to match the Rhetorical might of that, eh?

But let me try…


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You are either joking or your totally GAY !
Is he the guy you think can lead our Nation ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nothing like being months LATE !!! demonrats flip-flop every other day !

Gov. Homo of NY called fear of corona, ‘hysteria’. Pelosi went to Chinatown to drum up crowds for a festival and told people to come on down on Feb 24. Was this criminal ?

So Scott you Join the demonrats because of “DON’T ASK , DON’T TELL “ ? The knees give you turds away ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why does a gun fetish make a “man”?

And what kind of mincing compensating little knobhound takes a cheap shot at FLOTUS from inside his gun shop?

Joe Biden is far from an optimal choice…

But anything is better than Chaos Monkey and his clan.

And I’m sure you are very familiar with monkey’s , mostly the ring -tail type . :rofl: :rofl:

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I spent several days house sitting for a guy who had wooly monkeys…but, other than that, no…

But it’s not about me…try to stay on topic…

This is about the Cretin in the bad spray on tan.

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Cretin, carnival barker, so many names…


Captain Shower Cap has an extensive list of aliases…

My personal favorite (from a stranger on a train) - Technicolor Pere Ubu…


I almost just fell over laughing! Was that a scene from his last campaign rally!?!? :rofl:

Trump looks right at home in a clown suit making balloon animals for his cultists! Anything to keep them entertained and amazed at when he actually uses some bigly words.

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