If all he did was smile then America is already lost. Imagine what will happen in the future if you actually say anything, no matter how trivial when confronted like this. This should serve as the shot across the bow for anyone who thinks the future of America isn’t a race based civil war.
The high schoolers literally did nothing other than awkwardly smile at some strange old man who walked up to them for no reason banging on a drum?
Is there something here I’m missing? How is this racist? How is this rude? I feel like I’m on crazy pills.
How is this story even getting any steam? Are liberals still adrenalined up about the Cohen story that ended up being completely bogus? Seems like they’re out for blood even more than usual.
The thing that leftists hate the most is anybody holding them in contempt for their dumb views or lifestyle, and since white men are naturally predisposed to apprehending their degenerate views and passing judgement on them, it makes them angry. It also makes them angry to see a young white boy refusing to kowtow to their progressive hierarchy where in their view he should be apologizing.
The footage clearly shows Nathan Phillips intimidating the young kid who did a fantastic job calmly and peacefully standing his ground in spite of what can only be described as a racist attack. Why was the kid approached, why did Nathan enter the students personal space, why was the drum beat in the students ear, why was the drum stick waved within an inch of the students face? The answer to all these questions can only be answered within the context of a racial or religious conflict. i.e., Nathan used his native privilege to enter the personal space of a white boy, he used his native privilege to clearly attempt to intimidate and force acquiescence from the young student - and great to see that the student rejected the attack in a beautiful way- i.e., rejecting the attackers native privilege. Well done I say.
Absolute state of the American political discourse that it’s become this petty and submissive. Two weak and powerless individuals coming face to face yet each frozen by a fear to the extent that they’re petrified to engage each other on any meaningful or substantive. These two supine individuals, each just standing there thinking their pitiful passive aggressive/“micro aggression” tactics will be sufficient to bait the other. Later walking away when absolute nothing of note was achieved, patting themselves on the back for how “brave” they were.
And what’s even more pitiful than these two is the droves of brainwashed “supporters” next to them and those typing away thousands of miles from them. These individual are even bigger pussies since they refuse to even engage at the pathetic level these two did. And the media wipes them into a frenzy and legitimizes this type of political engagement as meaningful and encourages people to strive for it. Vomit inducing.
If it wasn’t so insanely depressing I’d actually be very impressed at what the two party system has managed to do. Reduce the populace into pre-programmed lemmings that are preoccupied with bullshit like this and use it as the basis for forming political decisions while the real big boy stuff goes way over their heads. And that is why change will never come.
Apparently, being patriotic is racist according to leftists. Also smiling is offensive, we should all be emotionless like slave workers in Metropolis. Perfect sheep for globalists.
The damage control is getting stronger. Like the NYT has just illustrated, Ttey will try to pass this thing off as a clumsy mix-up where “everyone was in the wrong” and use it as a new platform to lecture people on racism and bigotry.
I am so sick of them getting away with this shit. What can we do to help put the squeeze on them?
He might have served in Vietnam. But he might just be a Vietnam ERA vet. I can’t find his bio that makes it clear which.
Here is how the gubment defines Vietnam ERA vets. (BTW…I’m one and never set foot in Vietnam. Was in Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and then Turkey till spring 1975)
A Vietnam era veteran is a person who
served on active duty anywhere in the world for a period of more than 180 days, any part of which occurred between August 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975, and was discharged or released with other than a dishonorable discharge.
was discharged or released from active duty for a service connected disability if any part of such active duty was performed between August 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975.
But if he is a vietnam combat vet… I’m always impressed. They faced and survived a special hell.
What quality or deed would the boy have to achieve to be equal to the full measure of Nathan Phillips’ best qualities?
I read about Nathan Phillips. He seems like a guy looking out for his people. Kudos. I guess that’s good… assuming one’s people are deemed to be good… like all native Americans are, of course. He is a vet. That is good too. As you know, all us vets are good guys.
So what else is the boy missing?
That’s a well established liberal tactic. Do you remember Hillary in her debate with Trump when she strolled across the stage and stood directly in front of Trump’s podium such that the camera would show “Trump looming over her” trying to intimidate her? She even went so far as to later say how Trump was the one who crossed the stage to stand behind her (even though he could be seen standing there with his hand on his podium) to win “defenseless woman” sympathy.
But far more disturbing is the Media’s complicity in perpetuating the deception. Honest journalism truly is dead.