If you say things like “European people, wherever they reside, have the right not to get exterminated” you’re a far right extremist. If you try to defend yourself you’re a Nazi.
If you surrender your identity - you’ll still be killed or replaced for being white. There is no appeasement. There never will be. This is reality.
This @TWR pushes the history erasure narrative but pushes it way too hard.
European people everywhere are already effectively stateless - like Palestinians. They don’t have dominant political control anywhere.
And in the future - as demographics become increasingly non-European - like with Palestinians - they will say there was never any such thing as European nations. European people everywhere will be erased from history. Everything our ancestors sacrificed for will be gone. Without European nations - European people have no future.
Your account embraces only what it’s told to. History will tell you that America was a European country, for European people, where only male European landowners could vote. Revisionist.
The pilgrims weren’t even the first people to set foot on the continent.
European colonists brought European culture and tradition wherever they spread and they shared their DNA with the original inhabitants at ever step of the process as well.
There are only three races, if you are not Asian or Negroid you are a Caucasian.
The Caucasoid race originated in Turkey and the ME.
America is a daily holocaust of violent, anti-white crimes. No other racial group is attacked like that in this country. 99% of hate crimes in America are anti-white.
Including Trump you know, despite his instructions to you and I to hire Americans and buy American. He manufactures his goods overseas and staffs his properties with foreigners.
In America, if you don’t want to say the pledge of allegiance to our flag or if you want to kneel during our national anthem, apparently that’s your right. If you want to tear down confederate monuments, you’re an anti-racist hero. If you don’t want to swear an oath to Israel, you’re fired.