The Case for Raising US Tariffs on China After March 1st!

There you go ago again with the wild assumptions! Try looking at your own arguments in which you simply try to ignore altogether! Sorry I just don’t want to bother debating with people who simply can’t take the time to study the issue and become informed but instead rather choose to divert from the main topic altogether. Its a waste of time for me.

If you want to talk about obesity, unhealthy diets and fat shaming which I know you are all too passionate about then how about creating your own topic on the subject matter instead of trying to derail this thread altogether? Hmm? Just a thought!

Ok, I take that to mean that no one else is allowed to stray from the topic either. Apologies, my mistake. In which case, it makes you a hypocrite, as quite recently I recall you having a conversation about skiing on a thread about the afterlife.

I did not talk about obesity or fat shaming. You were talking about people planning for their futures. I suggested that the majority of people are unable to do that and stated why. What is wrong in addressing your point?

Then don’t. No one forces you to reply.

Thanks for proving my point! You are not here to discuss the topic on hand, just all the bullshit you go on about to know what I am talking about! You simply relish playing devils advocate in most cases being the antagonist to me. So with that being said, don’t be surprised if I start ignoring you, because its pointless having a conversation with you! You prove this time and time again!

… Just saying I need a complete sentence.

Well, he can just go pound sand.

As I have been reminded from time to time, this is a free speech zone. That means as long as it’s within the stated rules it’s allowed.

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May be your thread however, anyone and I mean ANYONE can post whatever they chose. You may not view lifestyle as a factor yet step back and look closely. Americans want cheap junk. The cheaper the better which allows them to spend more on items they view as important. In the case of the US it’s food. Look around youth population of the US is FAT. 60% over weight or obese. That is created by piss poor choices including buying cheap imported junk.

Imagine higher tariffs, it reduces disposable income so people have less disposable income to waste on poor food choices and the frequency they buy the junk food.

See anything applies to your topic. Want to talk about long term impact? Want to talk about our ruction in air pollution largely done by transferring our manufacturing to China? Want to talk about how tariffs can lead to business returning manufacturing to the US. Not as likely as they would move manufacturing to other 3rd world countries. Want to talk about the impact of tariffs on manufacturing as China now has all out manufacturing technology and can easily duplicate all the goodies they make for us today under their own countries. Do you rely think that they developed their own cell phone and it’s not a technology knock off of cellphones they currently manufacturing?

See we can cover just about anything under your topic.

My advice, get over yourself. If you don’t like a response, ignore it.

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its not my thread and never claimed it to be, so don’t put words into my mouth! I choose to have a discussion about the US China trade issue, and that is what this topic is about. Not about the food choices of Americans, its irrelevant! IF you want to go there, then by all means go there, but like you said I will decide to ignore it! If anybody who needs to go pound sand its you for trying to play the white knight! Its pretty obvious! Bravo!

Sorry doc, you lose.

Fat is where it’s at and the more disposable income people have the fatter they get, if you’re in the US, just look at the people around you.

Tariffs will certainly cut int our disposable income, maybe people will change their lifestyle and slim down a bit costing the US less in healthcare.

No I don’t lose.

Fat has nothing to do with the current US trade negotiations with China! Try again! Its a separate topic altogether. You are obviously trying to use a false equivalency on a subject matter you are not informed about! Can you tell me what sec 232 as of the new USMC trade agreement is addressing? Can you you explain why an MOU is not binding agreement as opposed to the actual terms of a Trade agreement is and what the difference between the two are? You see, this is what I do for a living day in and day out and I know the particulars on why this such an important issue. FAT, I repeat, FAT has nothing to do with it! Like I said try again!

I think he’s fat, that’s why we can’t talk about it. He would say I am making another assumption which is true but he is American so I have a 60% chance of being correct. :grin:

Fat has everything to do with tariffs! You don’t get fat without good consumption. Cheap food, cheap tat, cheap whatever made in China and the population can’t get enough. Put prices up and they would not be happy.

Of course he would tell voters they don’t matter. Voters don’t know best, they’re too stupid and uneducated and it’s for the good of the country. Funny, I think I have heard that argument before, from our Remain camp. Is that not called fascism? Sure do away with democracy and have a dictatorship!

My argument was it is your own fault for encouraging gluttony and encouraging retards to breed. You can’t create a consumer society then tell people to rein back because tariffs are good for the country.


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Ah, I get it. The title of the thread is “the case for raising US tariffs” not “the case for NOT raising US tariffs.” Only one side of the argument is wanted here. We are not allowed balance!

LOL…Adult friend finder…

Yahoo is really porous.


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Junk food is all domestically produced though. People somehow survived 2008 crisis, they’ll be fine. Worst case they will have to buy a $200 ZTE instead of $1000 iPhone or cancel their Prime/Netflix/fancy gym membershit. Even with MSM spewing more Trump hate nobody will care except ever-triggered snowflakes that no one IRL listens to anyway.

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Not the full picture. We used to grow the majority of the food we consume here in the US. Now we sell the bulk of it overseas and import a lot of it from places like China and Mexico. I believe this is also one of the reasons we are seeing more and more food bourne illnesses popping up. Many of these imports are not subject to the same rules the local stuff is. You can also bet a lot of the imported stuff isn’t being inspected either. Why are we importing so much? Do you think the average consumer cares where their food comes from? But hey, if the agrocorps can make a bigger profit selling to foreigners than selling locally then turn around and buy imported food for cheap and just repackage it, who are we to complain about it? I mean they’re in business to make a profit. Whether or not the food you’re being sold is actually good or even safe for you is irrelevant.

Well I just watched the Robert Lighthizer testimony today, all 2 hours and 46 minutes of it, and it was extremely informative on a number of fronts.

For example: The issue of Rice, which of course I am only using as an example, because to be honest, Rice is one area that I don’t think the US made kind is a very big market driven product, but that is just my opinion, but China with their access to our markets has flooded the US markets with their brand of rice where access to China’s markets has been limited for US growers and has been an issue for about 10 years and thus has been unfairly out priced with the lopsided balance within the previous trade structure agreement. This has been a problem with many US made Agricultural products and is one of the reasons why we have such a growing trade deficit with China.

Well why shouldn’t they be able to dictate what we grow and sell in our country? It’s not like we have a trade agreement with them. Wait a minute…

Are you being facetious? I certainly can appreciate the irony!

Yes. I thought that was obvious. I mean we clearly don’t have a trade agreement with them, so what exactly gives them the right to dictate we do anything?

Money? Maybe? I mean any agricultural product is market driven, so I would imagine Rice being one such product that they would buy, but from this hearing today I learned they import 5X as much rice into the US market than the US does to China. Of course the other issue is the fact that China has priced the US growers out of their own domestic market, with cheaper Rice by importing more in numbers in order to sell more, and that therein is the real problem.