The Border Wall 11/2/2019

The gap is huge.

Kripes, one ER visit wipes out anything they’ve paid in Federal, State or Local Taxes for the year and puts them in the negative column.

I think you are smarter than this?

I have no data so cannot really say.

Rifled muskets hit the battlefield in the 1760’s mostly in the hands of Americans.

Soldiers were still largely lining up shoulder to shoulder well into the 1800’s.

The Brit’s got their asses shot off during the revolution by Americans shooting rifled muskets while the Britts still had the smooth bore Brown Bess.

You have no damned idea what you’re talking about as usual.

They had intel on his militia group planning a major event in response to the massacres at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

They easily could have interdicted that bombing well ahead of time but chose to wait and see supposedly so they could cast a bigger loop.

They had inside intel more than a year ahead including knowing that McVeigh and Nichols and several others had basically been kicked out of the original group because they were too violent and planning a terrorist attack.

They screwed the pooch badly as they did repeatedly under Clinton/Reno.

Now let’s tell the whole truth.

Most of them have a net negative tax liability and get thousands back, much of it fraudulently claiming huge families they are supporting.

50% of all immigrants are on various forms of welfare. After being in the country 10 years or longer it jumps to 60%.

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Americans love the benefits of the undocumented but love to bitch about their presence. Just ignore…:roll_eyes:

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“Some” Americans… .

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So, paying taxes isn’t working out as an argument, so now it is this?

There are plenty of Americans, myself included, that refuse to hire an illegal in our businesses or in our personal lives.


We hire only documented workers and I personally review their I9 documents.
But I agree that there are many Americans who rattle their sabres when the topic comes up but look the other way when they need labor. The current occupants Bedminster resort is just the most visible example. Didn’t Mitt Romney also have a few tending his wifes horses?

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Didn’t we cover that in “public Charge” issue? Something that was written into law over a hundred years ago, and now the libturds are up in arms about it because Trump decides to enforce it? Oh didn’t Bill Clinton write provisions to enforce it as well? Talk about hyperbolic partisans!:rofl:

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Those thst benefit from hiring illegals, grease the wheels better in D.C. than thode of us who pay the freight gor them.

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I was referring to the benefits of the cheap labor which leads to lower costs of products. We work for the government, so we have all manner of hiring restrictions.

That and the blowhard himself that preaches to you and I to hire American and buy American, manufactures the majority of his products overseas and staffs his properties with foreigners. :roll_eyes:

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a TYPO!!!

The horror!:crazy_face::flushed::confounded: :yawning_face:

All true and why of course he does!

How better to fleece his dumbed down base ahead of his very own Cable Snooze show?

MAGAt !!!




a TYPO!!!”

Still can’t get over it huh? Your OCD gets the best of you! All too funny!:rofl:


How’s life in HK these days “SoyBoi”?

Took about five minutes to trace you.

Soyboi? Geeze your racist colours love to shine don’t they? Not to mention about all that talk on civility you love to get on you fake horse here! Yeah that lasted all but a few seconds here! So much for that huh? You got to practice what you preach little fella!

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It’s a name you chose now isn’t it?

As I said…you’ve been traced and outed.

Yeah I have been traced and outed? I have no idea what the hell that means! Living out another James Bond fantasy of yours? Sounds more projection on your part as Tyfoon revealed who you really are!

How old are you again? Name calling reveals your true age! You should do something about that passive aggression.

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