The derangement is pathological.
Example of a retarded post from a brain eaten away by TDS.
You should be more honest though. It is really just another variation of this.
Where do you people find the time to cook up these wild conspiracy theories?
I think I was married to her at one time.
We all make mistakes.
All women are insane; it’s just a matter of degree. I will say this; considering the price a man pays for being married, SEX SHOULD BE A WHOLE LOT BETTER.
Again with the impeachment talk?
Good Lord , when you democrats learn?
Youve investigated him, indicted a lot of his so called “insiders”, made deals with some of his now ex employees, he was investigated by Mueller and they found squat, nothing, nada, zip and bupkis.
Youve been after this guy since he won the election and beating that Washington insider crook Hillary and now that the investigation turned up nada, they want to go by the constitution and attempt to impeach him?
How about following this part of the constitution where he won by the Electoral college?
How about finding out if any of his crimes as president were “treasonous conducting bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”.
Impeaching him because he did immoral things in his private life, or that he tweets like he has tourettes and says stupid and inflammatory things and you just don’t like his hair, his looks, attitude or his third wife are not reasons to impeach
How about Democrats concentrate on the 2020 election and propose some legislation that helps America and not weaken America
The worst I ever had was great!
All’s well that ends well!
Great post @sooner I am torn on impeachment. I really am. On the one hand…I know that it is probably more politically expedient to not impeach, but to investigate and slowly build the case going into 2020, but on the other hand, what kind of future signal does it send?
If you had 2 kids…ages 8 and 14, and the 14 year old broke the rules you set forth about being home on time or something similar, and they knowingly broke the rules, would you punish them or kinda wait to see if they do it again and if they did build your case towards not letting them go to prom in 2 years? If you didnt punish them, what does that say to the 8 year old when they are 14. What does it say about respect for the rules you set.
I think that as a moral issue…Trump should be impeached only for no other reason that it sends the signal that their are rules. You thumb your nose at the rules and you have to be held accountable. It might or might not be the less politically expedite, but it seems like its the right thing to put the rule of law over political expediency. Country over politics. After all…isnt that what we have accused republicans of doing for several years now…putting party over country?
You know that is a silly comparison right?
Rules for kids and rules for the oval office cannot be compared, I dont see any 8 and 14 year old lying under oath to their parents or being punished for things like treason, although some kids should be.
you cant impeach a president simply because you don’t like him/hate him and cherry pick issues
The constitution is clear, you can impeach a president, vp president for crimes of treason, bribery ( which the constitution was vague about) and high crimes of misdemeanor
if that was the case then every president should have been impeached as they broke a lot of rules, you Democrats need to stop with your hypocritical stance
Hell Obama ordered the murder of a US citizen without due process, not a peep from the new guardians of the constitution and morality, just crickets.
They seem to care nothing of Hillary’s corrupt lifetime, her string of “suicided” associates, her obstruction of justice, her Benghazi lies, etc ad infinitum…or Obama’s promised "flexibility in dealing with Russia, Obama/Holder fast and furious gun running to the cartels…
Liberals can do no wrong…in the eyes of their liberal useful idiots.
Our Liberals lie to each other, until they find a lie they agree on. No man is perfect; but I watch our libs go to extremes, grasping straws & attempting to magnify “thee” most trivial issues concerning President Trump. Issues, that if it were a Democrat in office, would be totally ignored. We elect Presidents, we do not elect Popes.
So did Clinton. Several in fact. Remember Waco?
I’m not torn, I’ll just follow Nancy Pelosi’s lead. She has good instincts here.
I tend to view the emotional situation as similar to the efforts to remove Scott Walker from office in Wisconsin a few years ago. I know there are clear differences in terms of potential criminality and morality, but the electoral feel seems similar and despite the “we can do more than one thing” mantra, it impeachment de-focuses everyone moving into an election year. Let SDNY play it out, hopefully focusing on financial crimes, and maybe they’ll find the Trump org is the money laundering org that it seems to be.
I do think Democrats need to keep pushing to get the redacted details in the Mueller report known at the congressional level and determine if the redactions were appropriate. If not, impeach Barr.
I other words… pay back those bastards for beating your demon witch in 2016.
So the Dems are above the law and court decisions???
In disclosing the Mueller report, Attorney General William P. Barr will have to redact grand-jury information. That is the upshot of the rulingtoday by a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
I flagged this case, now called McKeever v. Barr (formerly McKeever v. Sessions ), last week. It did not arise out of the Mueller investigation, but it obviously has significant ramifications for the Mueller report — in particular, how much of it we will get to see.
At issue was this question: Does a federal court have the authority to order disclosure of grand-jury materials if the judge decides that the interests of justice warrant doing so; or is the judge limited to the exceptions to grand-jury secrecy that are spelled out in Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure? The D.C. Circuit’s McKeever ruling holds that the text of Rule 6(e) controls. Consequently, judges have no authority to authorize disclosure outside the rule.
This is significant for the Mueller report because Rule 6(e) does not contain an exception to secrecy that would permit disclosure to Congress.
I say go for it- the Dems will get their asses handed to them first in the Senate, where it will be a Bill Clinton Redux, then at the polls in 2020 as even Independents will be absolutely sick of the self righteous, virtue signaling, America hating Democrats and their endless ‘flatulecturing’.
I would advise people to read the systemic abuses by the Obama administration and think twice in what they are actually advocating for. Impeachment is just another mechanism in which the clueless leftist trolls here are in denial and the democrats scurrying like the cockroaches that they are desperately seeking cover!
“A newly released court order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) found that the National Security Agency, under former President Obama, routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall. In describing the violations, the FISA court said the illegal searches conducted by the NSA under Obama were “widespread” and created a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue.” These new discoveries come from a recently unsealed FISA court document dated April 26, 2017 and center around a hearing dated October 26, 2017, just days before the 2016 election, in which the FISA court apparently learned for the first time of “widespread” and illegal spying on American citizens by the NSA under the Obama administration.”
Its coming whether you like it or not! Marxists be dammed when necks are stretched and swinging from the tree of treason.
Should’ve been a thread by itself. News to me.