The Best Moments of AG William Bar Testimony

Seems like you know it all regardless of not knowing the committee is the podium.
Please do me a favor and not respond to my posts as your clearly partially informed and full of yourself.

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I watched most of it, I couldnt exactly stomach the Democrats at least Amy Klobuchar was the most decent Democrat although she was pushing her agenda.

But that Hirono was a piece of work, At least Cruz and Goober Graham bitch slapped her.
This hearing was a dog and pony show

Barr did alright, made sense of something but I was disappointed with the “talking points” of " I cannot recall" or " the best of my recollection" when I hear those words I know people are hiding something or don’t want to say things that could perjure themselves.

Politicians are taught to say that, and even Trump to my disappointment has resorted to those talking points

Bottom line I know what Trump is trying to hide and downplay, hence why a few of the obstruction charge are there, but in reality it wasnt anything to do with the campaign, its all about he beat that wicked witch hag Hillary .

The floor is not a committee hearing.

That’s just lawyer speak and a way to avoid perjury charges if you don’t remember something exactly correctly or have notes to read from. In that environment I don’t blame anyone for speaking in such a manner.

Democrats would have him up on perjury charges at light speed if they thought they had a snowballs chance of getting an indictment on a criminal referral.

The Barr hearing was bullshit anyway… The less redacted report was released to Congress and instead of reading it, they issued a summons for Barr to testify. Only 2 republicans actually read the report. Not a single Democrat. That should tell you something. They already knew there was nothing in there worth reading.

All of this dog and pony show is simply an effort to discredit Barr before the real investigations can begin.


I do. To keep up appearances that Trump was hiding something.

Clearly had no idea what she was talking about yet people repeatedly sent this type moron to congress over and over again.

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If they run this out to 2020, they hope they can avoid the indictments against trump haters that will ruin the dem party… regardless of the party of the trump hater.

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yeppers, makes me wonder about the voters in her district .

she is a disgrace, her time grilling more like preaching was an embarrassment, I know if I was a democrat I would be embarrassed

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It’s what her constituents want to hear.

…and it was an instant reply…sorta like a “screw you”. :rofl:

The Democrats are cranking up the volume on their attacks of Bill Barr. I suspect this is related to his comments regarding investigations of the genesis of the dossier and the other underlying causes of the hoax.

Barr has big balls and tenacity. They know this now.

This is a truism.


Being guilty and being immune from prosecution are separate issues.

I find it somewhat amusing that the congressional hearing system requires that the witnesses be under oath, but the committee members (the grand inquisitors) can say whatever they wish…with immunity.


It is a rather amazing issue.

Harry Reid lied about Romney during the election from the podium and laughed his ass off afterwards and they couldn’t touch him.

It’s ok. He’s dying of pancreatic cancer soon. I can’t think of a better form of karmic retribution.

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These dems are so rabid you would think their lives or careers are dependent on punishing Trump.

Maybe Hillary has threatened them. “Get rid of Trump OR ELSE”.

What’s not ok is his lie helped Obama get elected.

What’s worse is there are some people who obviously didn’t learn from it.

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Maybe it is just me, but I think with the disgraceful way the democrats conducted themselves in the Kavanaugh hearings along with the way they are conducting themselves now, that they have aligned themselves with just a small, radical percent of the population. The squeaky wheels who appear to represent more than they do.

These democrats are doing no favors for their party nor in attracting mainstream Americans. Rather, they seem to be separating themselves from mainstream Americans like oil from water.

Maybe they are just so filled with TDS and the loss of the election that they are too blind to see the disdain and embarrassment they continue to bring to themselves.

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Or they just don’t care because they really think most of the electorate IS that stupid.