The 15 buck minimum wage. I love it when a plan comes together

I didn’t say that. You’re quoting someone else.

And that matters how?

Back to blaming the union again. Well, at least you’re consistent. Facts be damned.

Amazon is rolling out prototypes for automated grocery stores that have far fewer employees as we speak might be one reason.

And that’s if it doesn’t go to an all online model using the same automated warehousing robots already in use.

You asked him for the source of something he didn’t say. You are kinda old in your thinking, arn’t you?

modern technology, its not a big deal, its been happening for centuries now, as old world jobs disappear new ones will spring up.

when the Automobile became the norm, it ran the horse and buggy industry practically out of business and the spin off industries, People making horse shows, Horse food, Carriage builder, Saddle builders etc.

when Edwin Drake and George Bissell made the first successful oil extraction and look what accomplished and the spin offs and the jobs lost there like fishing for whales for their oil, Candle makers etc.

When New technology arrives some jobs gets displaced or eliminated but new ones always pops up, new industries too

Every industry goes through it even Liberal Hollywood, Look at silent films in the beginning, then voice was added, comedians of the day did their own stunts like Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin , and then stunt men were added to do westerns

Then Actions movies employed a ton , today most are turning towards CGI ( computer generated images) which is some Stunt doubles jobs.

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In theory the $15 an hour minimum wage is supposed to help the workers and increase tax revenues. In reality it’s done neither. In fact in some cases workers are earning less money thus paying less in taxes.

Fast Food Restaurants that have increased their wages to $15 an hour reduced head count, meaning less workers doing more work. However, the absentee percentages have not gone down and the turnover percentages have not improved. The quality of workers have not improved.

Amazon cut their incentives when going to the new higher wage. The good workers that were cashing in on those incentives lost money. Now today Amazon announced a major change in their business plan.

Amazon has abruptly stopped buying products from many of its wholesalers. Amazon is encouraging vendors to instead sell directly to consumers on its marketplace. Amazon makes more money that way by offloading the cost of purchasing, storing and shipping products. Meanwhile, Amazon can charge suppliers for these services and take a commission on each transaction, which is much less risky than buying goods outright.

This move will reduce the number of employees Amazon needs to operate it’s business.

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Get over it.

People have the right to walk any time of day, any day of the week.

The company has agreed to pay them 15 bucks an hour.

Like every person in this country, if you don’t like it, there’s the door use it.

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As an investor, if the company underperforms, investors like employees have the right to sell their stock/bonds as the employee have the right to quit.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Get over what? Your inability to stay on topic or deal with facts? I’m already over it. Trust me.

The facts:

  1. Amazon bought Whole Foods.
  2. Whole Food employees chose to unionize.
  3. Amazon agreed to pay workers 15 bucks an hour.
  4. Amazon chose to not change the labor budget for whole foods stores.
  5. Amazon chose to cut hours vs. other options. Subsidizing whole foods labor budget, cutting people, closing stores.
  6. Employees chose to bitch about fewer hours instead of exercising their right to quit.
  7. Amazon refuses to be intimidated by the media blitz and negative press aided by the I hate Amazon crowd.
    Bottom line, the customers of Whole Foods will be the final voice, if they don’t like the service or the product they will go somewhere else. The stock and bond holders of Amazon also have a say and can always sell their holdings.
    As a side note:
    Whole Foods did post a “small operating loss” for the quarter. At the time of the acquisition, we had stepped up the fair market value of certain assets on the balance sheet. That is going to increase the amortization.
    From the Amazon end of year financials.

What other facts do you have??

What does that have to do with my saying most grocery store jobs will become obsolete sooner rather than later? And robotics is going to be a bit different than past technological advancements, we aren’t that far off from robots replacing most unskilled labor. It’s unlike past advances.

from Robots Are Already Replacing Human Workers at an Alarming Rate

Each additional robot in the US economy reduces employment by 5.6 workers, and every robot that is added to the workforce per 1,000 human workers causes wages to drop by as much as 0.25 to 0.5 percent. Such are the conclusions reached by MIT’s Daron Acemoglu and Boston University’s Pascual Restrepo, who published their findings at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

So by all means, tell me what new jobs an automated grocery store will create? A relatively few high skilled jobs won’t replace millions of unskilled jobs.

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That 's not what Im saying, Im saying new technology will create new jobs
example look at all tech jobs that was created after the Tech boom, as manufacturing declined in the 90’s, other industries emerged

Industries that didnt exist in the 1970’s.

If we took a time machine back to jan 1st , 1970 ,look at the technology and jobs that existed back then.

There was no computer industry, no internet, even in finance the average bond trader didnt earn enough to make a living and had to take a second job , today the average bond trader is earning 6 figures , super star bond traders like Bill Gross are billionaires

many jobs that existed in the 1970’s don’t exist today, and back then it was still a concern because of the incoming stagnation and declining manufacturing jobs

while you can throw legitimate numbers regarding how many low and underskilled jobs are replaced by automation, the truth is new jobs are created, and the underskilled doesn’t have a chance to get those jobs for plenty of reasons.

Why dont libs just tell everyone from home sellers to restaurants to car sellers to lower their prices? Oh… and so lib politicians who get paid from taxes will have to lower their salaries too. Then the workers’ wages won’t need to increase.

Robots aren’t an entirely new medium of communication like the internet was, they do one thing and one thing only, replace workers. Far fewer people will be needed to program and maintain them then they replace.

yeah , they replace monotonous jobs , and in the modern day where people’s purchasing price as tested, they want the cheapest products, why pay someone one in America a wage that produces so much while automation can produce 10x during that same time.

Like many underskilled workers then, most adjusts and find something new.

I thought more pay for less work as a Socialist’s dream.

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Because all liberals are not Democrats and all Democrats are not liberals.

Is that so? Not from what I can tell. Our percent of skilled or highly educated worker of the population has been stagnant since 1970 and has started to decline from 2000 and that decline is accelerating.


Kind of what I was thinking…

Hmmm… I used to make 10 an hour, now I make 15 an hour. I can work less hours and make the same amount of money. If I am ambitious, I can use that extra time
(A) working to learn a new skill, trade or my degree;
(B) start working on my own business;

Or for the less ambitious:
© play more X-Box.

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