The 15 buck minimum wage. I love it when a plan comes together

So? He still can’t provide a source for what he said.

I love it. You get your ass handed to you and you still want to fight. You remind me of the knight guarding the trail in the Monty Python search for the grail movie who continued to fight even after both arms and legs were cut off. :blush:

Automation has been good for me over the years. I’ve made a very good living designing and installing automation. The justification for the expense is reducing head count but most importantly improving quality.

Unions bought into it because companies promised not to lay anyone off. Those workers replaced with automation were moved to other jobs within the companies. What the Unions failed to see was once those excess workers left the companies their positions weren’t filed.

One project we designed and installed 25 robotic cells. Each cell took the place of three workers. The workers that had not yet had enough time to be in the Union were let go. The others were transferred to other jobs. In about two years time most of the excess workers were gone and not one of their positions were filled.

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He still can’t provide a source for what he said, but you’d rather parse democrat/liberal as if it makes any different to the supposed “argument.” It’s rather weak, don’t you think?

No. I think you got caught with your pants down and now you’re just making excuses.

Can you say something about the cost of buying, installing, and using each “cell” either with absolute numbers or relative to the employee labor costs?

Each cell cost installed $125,000 replaces 3 employees

Three employees averaging $16.45 and hour is a total of $49.35 an hour.
Benefits cost average 30% or $4.95 an hour a total of $14.85 and hour.

Labor cost total $64.20 an hour.

Average hours worked in one year 1,811 for a total cost of $116,000

The cells were maintained by the existing maintenance teams.

The cells don’t threaten to sue for discrimination either. That’s a big plus.

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