Terrorist Attack at Crocus Concert Hall in Moscow

I just want to get one thing straight this website has been open since 2018 we are currently in the year 2024 let’s be generous and say it’s been open for six years it’s probably been open closer to 4 considering it’s been shut down I believe on 3/4 occasions but still I will still give you the benefit of the doubt

Over those 6 years you have posted 35,500 times some quick maths for you my friend

35500÷6=5916÷52=113÷7=16.25 posts per day and that’s if we’re being extremely generous that’s if this website has been open for a full 6 years that leaves me with two realistic options either you or a paid poster and a deliberate misinformer or the far more likely option you’re just a sad prick nevermind claiming I cannot read why don’t you go outside and live an actual life?

Look the CIA are operating in tlUkraine therefore the recent terrorist attack in Russia was done by the CIA what kind of mental gymnastics do you need to do to come to these conclusions? The CIA probably operating in 75% of stable governments International that doesn’t mean they’re behind every single incident that happens within those countries it’s far more logically likely that they had Intel that Russia was going to allow a terrorist attack to happen within their own borders to gain support for new laws or to justify further aggression against a perceived enemy

Now I do not mean to boast but in the time that you have been a consistent poster here I’ve gone out and lived my life I’ve had three children in those six years meaning I have four in total I’ve started a business I own property mortgage free I’m on track in the next 12 months to have more property mortgage free I’ve allowed my partner to be a stay-at-home mother and not worked in the last four years and only working part-time for the first two years minus maternity leave so we’re talking her only working a couple of months if you’ve been this badly outperformed by an illiterate moron as you like to claim I am what exactly does that make you? A conspiracy theorist thay averages over 16 posts a day on a political website think about that take a look in the mirror

Israel and its puppet regime in Washinton regime had been meddling in the affaires of Syrian for many years.

Remember the plot to regime-change in 7 Arab countries in 5 years?
Some successes and some failures.

ISIS has been the tool of Israel (Massa) and CIA. Remember the brandnew Toyota trucks the ISIS were riding? They were shipped from Texas for the ISIS to use.

Then Syria’s Assad requested Putin to intervene. Intervene did Russia and smashed the ISIS and other Zionist elements masquarading as jihadists. But the US is still occupying eastern Syria and stealing oil.

Consequently, the Israel may have had a hand in the Moscow attack. It does not benefit Israel but a sheer revenge. That’s how their mind works.

He is not the only one who’s scratching the head why the four drove toward the Ukrainian border.

It doesn’t matter who you and me think did the act of terrorism.

What matters is who the RUSSIANS think did it.

Could it be that the Russian police let the terrorists drive closer to Ukraine, instead of capturing them near Moscow?

Dude your arguments are too asinine for me to continue, and its apparent you lack the critical thinking skills to have such rational discussions on this particular subject matter, a subject that you have no idea about, so I am done wasting my time with idiots like you! Go have it if you will but welcome to my ignore list ROSS!

The terrorist attack in Moscow hasn’t benefited anyone yet (as far as I know).

Chances are the attack was planned to be pulled right before the Presidential election, but Putin was bound to win regardless.

If there is no answer to “Cui bono?” then the answer is simple; the crime was committed out of sheer hatred of Russia.

Or it could have been to distract from the fact there is a larger move yet to be executed either by R or U! We know who the actual players are and the stakes are getting higher each time an event like this (Pipeline) happens.

What happened to Sydney Hirsch?

And who forgot this event?

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People in Serbia are still suffering from the consequences of depleted uranium shells.

A terrible weapon that the US used in Iraq and Serbia.

I don’t know what happened to the depleted uranium shells the UK supplied to Ukraine.
Chances are Russia managed to blow them up.
(Too bad for the people of western Ukraine where they were stored, but that’s the price you pay for supporting the wrong regime)

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It was a great coup for Hirsch when he pointed the finger at the Biden regime for blowing up the Nord Stream Pipeline.

I think he is still writing, but nothing earth-shattering like the article he wrote on the pipeline.

Yeah the fking M1 Abrams did a lot of that damage! I know because I saw it in Iraq first hand! Such a destruction war machine!


This is what happens to terrorists caught by the Russians! They get what they deserve!

Tried some Absynth, at that place we tried to go to the last time! You should have been there, met some interesting people

Yet you took the time to look :eyes: up his stats because you were feeling a bit frisky?

Sounds like someone got inside your head!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Isn’t it the drink the protagonist in “1984” had before he had his brain blown out by government agents?

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Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

Well good morning to you too buddy!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sounds like a good time. Nawlins! No city like it!

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I do not know about that one. My memory is not so good at the moment! I am lacking sleep at this time.

Definitely. A lot of cool buildings and interesting history in these parts. Especially from the Spanish.

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Just to try to help some of you guys have a little thinking exercise the most likely thing to have happened here is a lapse in Russian Security source services leading to a terrorist attack there in the middle of an active War and have just been dealing with electrons I’m sure there workload is higher than normal leading to more mistakes

Now if there’s a conspiracy theory here it’s most likely that Vladimir Putin allowed this to happen to further create a UsVThem mentality amongst the Russian people or to create a situation to further expand security powers similar to America with 9/11

Now because the Americans denied it that is not evidence against Ukraine similarly the men attempting to escape to Ukraine is most logical escape route its not evidence of Ukrainian involvement

Now the four prisoners that Russia have been torturing into saying they were paid by Anonymous source over telegram is basically stupid to believe I could get them to say their mother is behind the attacks if you allowed me to electrocute their testicles and make them cannibalize themselves

Now let’s try to look at potential motivations behind the terrorist attack against the Russian people outside of certain corners of the internet the mainstream political and social opinions are that Ukraine are the good guys and Russian are the bad guys why would a group of Ukrainian military men sit down and say I know what we really need to do is commit an act of terrorism against the Russian population this is as logical as eating your own shit to see what it tastes like no one in the right mind would do this

Now Islamic terrorists often known to be at the most active at this time of the year they have a long history of committing terrorist attacks against the Russian people and this was most likely another example of them doing so

To the people pushing the ukrainians did it Theory they cannot even come up with a motivation for the ukrainians other than bad ukrainians and they hate Russians

Now to the idea that Putin says he doubts it was the Islamic state wow a politician playing politics he’s actively at war with Ukraine and dealing with global animosity from the West in general so he’s not allowing a tragedy to go to waste of course he is going to blame he’s more prominent enemies it’s what politicians do

I know many people look at Russia with roast tinted glasses at the moment at least their politician doesn’t appear to hate the population that he’s currently ruling over whilst many of our politicians in the west appear to actively hate us that does not mean in every scenario they are the good guys and just because the Ukrainian leader is a small hat money laundering weirdo that does not mean he’s behind every bad in the world

I hope at least some of you will have the ability to use some critical thinking skills and not just follow the crowd

Sincerely yours RickTheBoss