Taiwan Votes to Remain Independent From China

I will be 71 on Feb 25 and never been to Taiwan. The Nationalists settled on Taiwan after being defeated by the Communists. I wholeheartedly support their desire to remain free and independent of the Communist Chinese. I also support the efforts to keep them from being invaded by Communist China as it would create another place where they could threaten shipping in the area.I may sound a little over zealous, but we have seen the effects of Communism on to many countries and its people who have very limited ig any freedom .

There’s no victory. There’s no formal Declaration of Independence nor will there be. And just recently China reiterated that their military is prepared to make sure of it.

There should be a formal Declaration of Independence and all the more reason for the U.S and our regional allies to be vigilant.

It seems to me in order to make that happen is to use the CHICOMS own strategy against them by playing the long game and slowly democritize the mainland through the use of economic aggression. A shot wouldn’t have to be fired and I think Trump understands this aspect more than anybody despite the constant overtures being made by the TDS crowd. A Jacksonian approach!

Are you really that pro war. Or do you just not understand the uncompromising Chinese position on this???

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I have said I’m not pro war. It should only be a last resort when all else fails. I know you’re smart enough to know Taiwan has an important location on the South China Sea. A Communist
Chinese takeover would threaten the Philippines and Japan .Communist China could effectively cut off shipping in this area which is why we must be firm in our support for Taiwan.

If you support another war in which our cash and blood is spent interfering in the affairs of other countries, Taiwan and China, you’re pro war.

China cannot risk losing US trade, it would collapse their economy in months.

We have the upper hand if we have the guts to use our position.

What happens when they 500 million unemployed starving Chinese burning the country down from within?

Yes, that tired line is oft repeated, though China has never threatened that, and it would be self defeating as their economy is tied to the trade of those shipping lanes. China’s activities in the SCS with regards to the Spratly’s etc., is about them securing the resources in the SCS, oil/gas, fishing etc…

False premise. Being pro Taiwan does not in any way make one pro war.

Which has never happened, our wars have been based on deceit and are in the narrow interests of a few. They have nothing to do with legitimate national security or anything to do with the interests of the average American.

It’s not a tired line.Why are they building islands military bases there?
The Spratly islands are disputed territory which should be negotiated but not to Communist Chinas advantage.
You feel it’s ok for Communist China to occupy Taiwan and present a threat to the Philippines northern flank.

I told you. They are to defend their oil/gas and fishing interests in the region.

And you feel it’s ok for the United States to reach way over to the WestPac and own and occupy Guam which is a threat to China. As a matter of fact, too many Americans are perfectly fine with all the military adventurism of the United States, and the building and occupying of bases all around the world, but China seeks to reunite the mainland with an island a mere 100 miles off the coast and all I hear is sniveling and handwringing. Perfect example of American arrogance and self righteousness.

Your Anti Americanism is never ending.The American base on Guam no way threatens Communist China.Guam is most likely glad to have the U.S. there.I hope your comment about sniveling isn’t directed at me as I attempt to show intelligence when I comment.
I’ve agreed with you that the U.S. isn’t completely innocent in its FP in the past.As much as we don’t like certain leaders we have to deal with the wotld as it is, not as we want it to be .
Communist China is a serious threat to the world and SE Asia.and should be closely monitored and more of our " allies" should stand up in opposition.

Not anti American, anti war, anti military adventurism, anti interfering foreign policy. Why isn’t it anti American when you bitch about all the shit that you do here, hmmm?

Good gawd man. This is so Orwellian. It’s not China that has military bases and troops deployed all over the world. It’s the United States. The country that spends vastly more on war than ANY OTHER nation on earth.

I don’t understand the arrogance and belligerence of the average American on this shit. But no wonder we’re in perpetual war with no hope of escape…

I believe in aiding a country that wants to be free from radical terrorists that want to establish a religious dictatorship without any rights for the people.Some countries are incapable of doing so on its own and ask us gor help.
In Irag they are unwilling to step up and eliminate ISIS inspite of our help.I would like to say well then fck Iraq but the consequences out weigh that.

Why is that Orwellian!!! Communist China is attempting to dominate the world economically which lead it to control countries. As many have said here, they’re very patient and playing for the long term.
You must be blind to their long and short term goals. You feel its right they invade Taiwan threaten the Philippines from the north.Its only a short 746 miles from Taiwan . Study Taiwans geographic location and see how they would threaten shipping and SeAsian countries and Japan.
I’m not belligerent but I’m smart enough to how much a serious threat Communist China poses to all.