Russia didn’t “let” NATO do anything. They reluctantly supported UNSCR 1973 with the caveat that its mandate was strictly followed (the protection of the civilians) and objected shortly after the operation began on the grounds that targeting was consistent with regime change, something they had not agreed to. This is why HRC was unsuccessful in securing a resolution for the use of force in Syria, three times. That’s what happens when you abuse power.
That I largely agree with.
Buy a calendar and a history book. Putin’s first term as PM was from May of 2008 through May of 2012. Q’daffi was deposed in 2011.
He has acted as dictator from both positions and has always controlled the other office even when he didn’t occupy it.
Of course they “allowed it”, they had the power to stop it by exercising a veto.
Russians have never given a shit about civilian casualties, they’ve racked up more of them in the last 70 years than all other gov’ts combined save for China.
Ok, I’m not really sure what you’re talking about there. I certainly haven’t made any such claims.
China, Russia and Iran all have received assurances from Syria that they will have the contracts for reconstruction. Some of which has already begun. Things will be ok again in Syria.
Things haven’t been “OK” in syria in decades and Assad’s forces have killed over half a million civilians, and driven millions from the country, hundreds of thousands from the continent into Europe.
@Magog, Israel isn’t the only country with an interest in the outcome in Syria. But it will be China, Russia and Iran that prevail.
Stupid USFP puts Russia and China ahead in Syria…
Without USFP Iran, Russia, and China would already have full control over all of Syria.
Without Russia, Israel would have eliminated Syria for Greater Israel from the Nile to Euphrates, poised to attack Iran and Turkey.
Turkey had an about-face, realizing what Israeli-controlled Syria means for Turkey
What a bunch of crap. Israel has never attempted to invade Syria, Iran, or Iraq whether the Russians were involved or not.
Israel init’s existence as modern state has never begun a war at all much less a war of conquest.
Quit making up ridiculous lies that cannot be supported by any known fact and you’ll quit looking constantly like the fool you are.
Israel as we know it today has no right to exist.
No ■■■■■■ state
More of the same crap from the same thoroughly discredited source and of course, Israel has never launched a war of conquest since it was formed in 48.
You are drowning in your own ■■■ hating lies.
More completely baseless and unsupportable BS backed only by your blind hatred.
It’s almost funny and would be if it weren’t so sad that absolutely nothing in your citation supports the claim you make.
Not surprising in the least.
Right, with a little help from their friends.
If the US wanted to destroy Syria or Remove Assad badly enough, the Russians could do nothing short of launching nukes to stop us.
Putin doesn’t have the resources necessary to fight us in a conventional war and he knows it. Any attempt to do so would mean the destruction of his own countries economy and that of his own wealth as well as that of the Oligarchs who put him into and keep him in power.
Who is “us”?
Israel and its shabbos goys?
911 which they committed is backfiring now after millions of deaths and destruction
That sounds like what Bin Ladin said. So you taking up his cause now?
You do know that your story cannot explain the Muslim on Muslim killing that is dominant there, don’t you? But good lib had to say lib narrative. Good little lib.