"“As soon as I walk in for a job interview, they’re gonna think, ‘Who’s this guy trying to get a job looking like that?’ ” says the Queens resident, 30. “I feel trapped.”
Maybe he could get a job as a telemarketer … calling from his home.
“What are the chances anyone is going to want me to manage a million-dollar construction project when they look at me?” he says.
That’s the truth. And the truth is also people judge you on how you dress, how you hold yourself, etc.
No one thinks you’re a choir boy if you walk around with a hoodie and your pants hanging around your ankles. If you want to dress like a thug, don’t be surprised or think it is racist when people walk to the other side of the street to avoid you.
Good for this guy. He’s got himself cleaned up and on the straight and narrow path. He’s not asking for any handouts and is working towards a worthy goal.
I hope he one day finds a place to teach others and prevent others from making the same mistakes he did.
This is uncommon at the place where I work. We have all sorts of people - both males and females - with heavy-duty tattoos.
The way I see it, as long as they are doing their job, I have no problem with this. I personally don’t have any tats. But hey - to each their own.
Now, if any of these people that works at the place I do, happens to lose their job. I am sure they will just move to another factory.
We do not have any “Dress Code” for anyone who wears tats. Just as long as they don’t wear shorts in the Summer. Or any long sleeve shirts in the winter.
If that is acceptable to the people who run the business you work in then that is fine.
The person in the topic of the OP knows that his facial tattoos are a hindrance in the career field he chooses to pursue.
Not terribly related but kind of related, the best advice I ever got about interviewing for a job was never to wear perfume. No matter how qualified you may be, if the person cannot abide your scent they are going to want you out of the interview as quickly as possible.
Facial tattoos, to many, are as visually unappealing (even repulsive) as a scent they cannot abide.
Oh I totally agree. They are unappealing. But in my place of work, I have no say in the matter. If it was my business and they were working there…I would fire the person who hired them. As well as the people themselves. But then, that would be consider Discrimination.
If I were running a machine shop, I wouldn’t care. People have mad skills and tattoos should not even be a consideration, unless they are way overboard and indicate some kind of mental imbalance.
It is when you are in the public eye that it becomes a problem.
I think the amount of tattoos someone has is inversely correlated to their IQ. Why deliberately disfigure yourself? You have to be stupid to do so. I would not and have never employed someone with visible tattoos. Same with fat. I wouldn’t employ a fat person either.
There have been lawsuits by waitresses who were turned down for jobs because of facial “art” (both tattoos and piercings.)
I, personally, struggle as a customer when my server has some shocking appearance. I can fully understand when an employer turns down such a candidate for a customer-facing position.
But, akin to the saying, “He has a face made for radio”, there are plenty of jobs – some requiring very specific and high skills – for which body art would have no impact. That would include manual skills like a machine shop or a mechanic shop. It would also include customer tech support (over the phone, please. Not in my house or my office!). We’ve become a society that is easy to reach anyone remotely. Even many health insurance outfits have a call-a-nurse feature.
And with adequate makeup, even the most tattooed face would still be acceptable in a customer-facing job as a circus clown.
To add to this, today’s “inclusive” correctness wants us to ignore the shocking body art.
Sorry, folks. I have eyes. I can’t un-see things that shock me.
I can muster compassion for disfigurement that isn’t deliberate. Birth deformities, accident scars, remnants from disfiguring diseases. Some such things are still shocking and require deliberate effort to see beyond, and for such circumstance, I DO muster the compassion.
But when it’s deliberate … sorry, Charlie.
The people quoted in the OP’s article are taking the proper steps to undo their choices and join the common-sense side of the societal fence. Others who dig in their heels and retain the results of those choices do not merit effort on my part.
She can wait on me any day…
That is really disturbing.
And how you speak, and the respect shown to others, and your prior work record, and your previous employers etc, etc.
Meanwhile in the skies over Washington (the State):
The tattoos say something about the person’s judgement. Where I work and what I do cannot afford to have a guy that just might say “oh fuck it. I’m just gonna do what I want to”.
The eye in her mid-section is troubling.
I hitched a ride from Pittsburg to Cheyanne with a totally tattooed man, his wife, and kid. A free spirit and a giving sort. But after picking up another N people and traveling the distance with that weight his axle broke in his Chevy van.
I’m with you on that most face tattoos are gaudy. But there are some, like maybe one of two little hearts on the temples, that are kind of cute. Same thing with colored hair. I think that the bright, neon colors are too much, but then there are pastels and darker colors that catch my eye in a good way.
As far as not getting a job, I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that when they can’t afford a coverup and get denied employment, they’ll blame it on the employer, stating that they “aren’t being allowed to freely express themselves.” Usually people who get meaningless tattoos, the fact that they have those reflects on where their priorities lie. They are willing to spend money out the wazoo for a tattoo, but then find themselves hurting when it’s time to pay utilities or rent.
My high school orchestra director said that how you’re dressed during a competition usually reflects how well and seriously you play. Those who don’t take things seriously are almost always dressed like it.
Yup. Exactly…
The common statement by some of the tattooed, don’t judge me.