Strong Democratic women are Trump's kryptonite

And black people. Because they were promised their freedom if they fought for the confederacy…oh the irony.

Oh boy yet another race obsessed troll. How rare.

If you’re looking for a “safe zone” you made a wrong turn at the door.

Don’t let it hitcha where the Good Lord Splitcha on the way out.

It has nothing to do with race or sex, you just don’t matter.

White, male, Christian, and straight. The perfect target.


Nice knowing you.

Africans were enslaving other Africans millenia before he first white man set foot on the continent you idiot.

Well that’s just stupid. Who created the African Slave Trade?

You aren’t going to make anything but a complete fool of yourself but then, that’s all you’ve done since your first post so get right after it.

What you don’t understand is that we’re immune to racists and race baiting tolls and have been for years. Now we just laugh.


Geez, why can’t libs ever tell the truth?

First black Senator and Representatives: Sen. Hiram Revels (R-MS), Rep. Benjamin S. Turner (R-AL), Robert DeLarge (R-SC), Josiah Walls (R-FL), Jefferson Long (R-GA), Joseph Rainey and Robert B. Elliott (R-SC)


The narrative is the truth. Facts are a different matter entirely :wink:



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:rofl: Are you for real? I just stumbled on this party and looks like I’m late… So tell me, what technology would that be? Computers? AI? Robotics? Space travel? Whoops, in Africa you have been around a lot longer than the rest of us, but it seems you never got to grips with inventing the wheel. I see women carrying buckets of water and other heavy stuff on their heads. What is that all about? No, never thought of attaching some wheels to a donkey and let the donkey take the load?


I doubt it. Sounds like a college freshman having some fun at the expense of people “of color”

Better late than never :wink:.

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This is Diane Abbott. She ticks all the boxes; black, female, fugly… She is the shadow home secretary and the highest positioned black woman in the country, so one could assume she was of impressive intelligence perhaps? Or perhaps of her colour? Could I be so cynical! :wink: Or perhaps she has her job because she shagged Jeremy Corbyn (leader of the opposition, in case you are not familiar). There are pictures circulating, but please don’t ask me for any… :joy:

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I doubt the fraud has actually met anyone from Africa. The ones I have met can’t stand Americans. For good reason. Still bitching about slavery which hasn’t existed in the US since 1865. The best part? The slave trade is still alive and well in Africa and these spoiled American twits have no clue what actual slaves are dealing with. But hey, anything for “the cause.” Entitled pricks.


The slave trade is still alive and well throughout the world, even coming across our southern border.

Yet the people in favor of making illegal immigration so difficult that it reduces human trafficking are supposed to be the heartless ones. :roll_eyes:

If they had to run on truth they’d never win another national election and damned few at the state level.

Aparently race and the ability to sleep your way to the top are all that are considered as requirements these days.

It’s sure working for the phony “African American” Kamala Harris.

I guess that means looks is not a requirement? :open_mouth:

Apparently not if you have the skills.

Ugly chicks have to work harder at pleasing a man.

Oh my. We are talking about Diane Abbott! :face_vomiting: :joy: