Are you for real? I just stumbled on this party and looks like I’m late… So tell me, what technology would that be? Computers? AI? Robotics? Space travel? Whoops, in Africa you have been around a lot longer than the rest of us, but it seems you never got to grips with inventing the wheel. I see women carrying buckets of water and other heavy stuff on their heads. What is that all about? No, never thought of attaching some wheels to a donkey and let the donkey take the load?
This is Diane Abbott. She ticks all the boxes; black, female, fugly… She is the shadow home secretary and the highest positioned black woman in the country, so one could assume she was of impressive intelligence perhaps? Or perhaps of her colour? Could I be so cynical! Or perhaps she has her job because she shagged Jeremy Corbyn (leader of the opposition, in case you are not familiar). There are pictures circulating, but please don’t ask me for any…
I doubt the fraud has actually met anyone from Africa. The ones I have met can’t stand Americans. For good reason. Still bitching about slavery which hasn’t existed in the US since 1865. The best part? The slave trade is still alive and well in Africa and these spoiled American twits have no clue what actual slaves are dealing with. But hey, anything for “the cause.” Entitled pricks.