You’re a little ■■■ Bitch !!!How much of Shaka Obongos seed have you swallowed???
Who was the President that used the DOJ and IRS against CONSERVATIVE Orgs.Hint: It was after Dudya and before Trump.
By the way , no ulcers, I’m having fun in my own way. Might not be pretty but I say what I want and I already know that it will get me dumped/
That what you got, almost unseen against the pile of shit that runs you people . Want stupid, talking about a thread that is about your pile of shit right wing leader and bringing UP Obama, Clinton, Biden like somehow what they do can justify the action of the shit ball. Pitiful weak and stupid.
You’ll find that decent folk, exchange ideas on here, without invective. Monte’s a prog, but we have good discussions. I don’t recall a single post of yours that was remotely “nice”; you came here with a fantasy that you would ‘own’ this board. You came here to trashtalk, and you got it back. If you try upping your game, you’ll find others amenable to polite exchange of ideas.
If on the other hand you call everyone in the nation who isn’t a prog- a Nazi or similar, you’ve already castrated your argument. If you say something the reader knows to be demonstrably false, everything else you say will be unproductive.
Go out in a bang of self righteous glory?
You are correct about everything? The harbinger of truth?
Truth is relative. Facts matter more and lend credibility to “truth”.
Folks - I know I’m laughing my ass off over here with this. Wow. This guy.
I’m tempted to give the green light and unleash the floodgates of hell.
Yes, I am as well. However, to paraphrase Hillary, “At this point, what difference will it make”.
We are members of the same club with different branches, but we all support each other. Some of the Libtards here should spend an enlistment on AD and will sing a different song.
Scouts Out!!!
This is what happens when someone has no integrity. They can make up any shit they want!
Pelosi accuses the President of being ‘drugged’ at State of the Union
Wow. She is bat crazy…
I don’t believe there are alot of men that would to like wake up aside of her in bed in the morning. Especially with her not having her make up on unless that would be an improvement.
That is the stupidest shit I ever hear !!! You can NOT compare Trump’s economy with Obozo’s . Where was the stock market when Obozo was in office ? What was the unemployment rate for minorities when Obozo was in office ? How many jobs were created when Obozo was in office ?How many US hostages did Obozo get back at NO cost to taxpayers ?And finally, what did our enemies think of our ability to defend our nation under Obozo ? You need to get a job and move out of your mama’s basement it’s dark down there !!!
You are one misinform turd !!!
The economy is booming,my 401 K went up 25% in 2019 !!! What were the chances of that oxcurring during 8 yrs of Schmobama??? ?
are you a idiot Obama’s market went up 178% When the turd came into office the rate of increase went into the shitter. You live in a fantasy land the world thinks the turd is a joke , as I do. He has done nothing. Unemployment slowed when he came into office. There is not one economical chart that can show were the turd came into office other then slowing down the rate of increase. Hell this country would have done better with no one in office. You people are brain dead idiots , His wall all 78ft ,his tariff wars failures or gained so little that it wasn’t worth the trouble. This country image in the world as being totally dangerous when a mentally ill maniac is in charge, Or just the laughing stock of the world. Makes a lot of sense to praise our enemy’s and other dictators around the world and shit on our allies. God you people are stupid.
Obamas economic record, Highest corporate profits in history, highest percentage of gross that was profit in history, the fastest rate of increase of corporate profits in history. The happiest corporate heads in history, Market went up 178%. You my friend are a idiot.
You are a idiot ,Obamas market went up 178% The turds market increase is not even close to that and was still Obama’s Market anyway, You people are brain dead idiot.
I simply can’t believe how stupid you people are. You won’t let a fact get in the way of your stupid brain dead opinion. Instead of just putting out nonsense and looking like a absolute idiot , look it up first.
What about Solyndra and all those " shovel ready jobs"
Hilarious. When the economy was doing bad under Obama’s two shitty terms it was Bush’s economy now that the economy it is doing incredibly well under Trump it is Obama’s economy.
Here’s a question, has there ever been a recession throughout American history that did not immediately recover? Also, was it a good thing to allow car manufacturing monopolies to not pay for their bad decisions and instead give them billions to continue operations after they showed that they are too incompetent to command such a large part of the American economy?
And here’s an even better question, is it harder to recover an economy after a massive downturn, or to continue to grow that economy even an entire decade after that downturn?
Since you are incapable of critical thinking or formulating coherent sentences in the English language, I will assume that these questions will go unanswered.