Also - with you giving credit to King O’Bunga for the economic upswing it completely undercuts any other Democrats that would attempt to make a campaign trail argument that the economy is shit under Trump. Nice circular logic. I love the inability of leftists to critically evaluate and analyze their own arguments. Absolute shit tier reasoning.
First black president.
First credit downgrade.
Remember when Obama’s policies caused the slowest recovery period in the history of the stock market and then the pace returned to normal on literally THE DAY Trump was elected because people knew he would implement business friendly policies, and renegotiate international trade deals to benefit America instead of globalist virtue signalling cucks?
Did you take the short bus to school when you were young or are you really that dumb? Apparently your stupidity can’t be fixed!
Slowing of GDP with Obama. it happened for one reason, He had the highest percentage of gross that was profit in history, Ok can you poor pups keep up. So what did that mean. It means that the company’s didn’t have to increase production, do any hiring or any of the other cost of increase production but still make maximum profit. ,. Are you still with me little people? Every corporate head in this country would take low GDP growth any day if the rate of profit was that high , You people have no clue what you are talking about and I love to see your ignorant come backs. God I love this forum , a whole bunch of stupid red necks.
[God what disaster happened in 2017 to cause such a slowdown in the unemployment rate.] Go to the 10 year chart(
You poor fact-less puppy’s
Gee what happened in 2017 that caused the collapse of the massive increases in the market that happened during Obamas administration. Looks like it tanked the day the turd came into office
@jbander - you are welcome to make whatever points you want and argue them. No issues there. We welcome all views and appreciate folks willing to put up an opposing viewpoint and defend it. The personal attacks need to quit though. We are a free speech forum but personal attacks are against the rules. You are free to attack the ideas. Not the people or persons making them.
Moderator look a little deeper. , don’t wimp out because they are all right wing- I’m one person against a large group. My remarks are tit for tat and if you can’t see that your eyes are closed. I may be doing the most but I would wouldn’t I, considering I’m again one person responding against many other peoples . Be a man and go after them also.
by the way I’m supporting my points with facts , all I see from this group is emotions. Mostly hatred.
I’ve banned plenty of people regardless of their political views. Anyone who has been here for a while knows that. You have been flaming the threads since you arrived by peppering insults in the vast majority of your posts. If you give people a bunch of shit expect to get it in return. Now that I am officially stepping in that’s not gonna happen because everyone knows the penalties.
Anyway - this is not really up for debate. You are free to post whatever you want - just lay off the personal attacks. It’s a sitewide rule and we generally give some latitude because people get heated about politics. Consistent and unprovoked personal attacks aren’t gonna fly.
You have great memes.
Don’t forget Romney’s son also got a directors position in an Ukrainian energy company, besided Biden’s, Pelosi’s and Kerry’s offspring.
You have been flaming the threads since you arrived by peppering insults in the vast majority of your posts. If you give people a bunch of shit expect to get it in return. Not if they insult me they will get it in return. First I always say what I want or think I should , so we won’t be able to play I guess. What kind of political forum only has one side of the debate. Lets put it this way I hate all the main threats and enemy’s of my country, shouldn’t I. I’ll go because you can’t wait to push the dump button to impress a forum made up of only hate party people. Thanks for the fun and the easy targets. By all you ugly red neck haters.
There’s really no hate here. It’s all in your mind. You take your talking points from CNN and you expect us to buy their hogwash? Don’t let the MSM dumb you down. Open your mind and think for yourself. The moderator has given all of us, at one time or another, a scolding and since you’re new you got yours.