State of the Union Address 2020 - Official Thread

Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress. The Democrats have never had the best interest of blacks or Hispanics as part of their party platform.

Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress. The Democrats have never had the best interest of blacks or Hispanics as part of their party platform.


This bullshit can be cleared up very quickly–In 2018 50 people were murdered in hate crimes in this country, every single one, all 50, were killed by the hate group the right calls a party. Nothing else has to be said does it, the right has become such a hate group that every single hate crime murder was done by these haters, they are pigs and this clown act that , its the democrats is just another of the lies that they live by. The truth always hurts these pigs. You people are a joke.

It will be called a dictatorship then, just the same as it is now. You sold out your country. Your nothing but a hate group, totally controlled by your dictator. You people are pure evil.

I think that this can be explained easily , they were called liberals at that time. Lincoln was a major liberel ,Won’t work hot shot. You people are fucking joke " 0 Historians have said he was “a classical liberal” in the 19th century sense. Allen C. Guelzo states that Lincoln was a[141][5]

classical liberal democrat—an enemy of artificial hierarchy, a friend to trade and business as ennobling and enabling, and an American counterpart to Mill, Cobden, and Bright (whose portrait Lincoln hung in his White House office).

Lincoln became a favorite exemplar for liberal intellectuals across the world.[142]"

You should probably be banned for this…but your salt is just so tasty! Thanks for spreading it around so vigorously. Trump is still your President and will be for 4 more years. Deal with it.


In the words of President Barry Soetoro - elections have consequences.


So you are saying you are a supporter of Lincoln? Might want to double check on that with your puppet masters. Your boy David “Camera” Hogg apparently got the memo.


Oh blow me! Why are you here ? It certainly isn’t to change minds with your intellectual prowess! :rofl:



I imagine jbander to be a college student-liberal arts, something very easy like Sociology, or even easier like Ethnic Studies. Sophomore- maybe a Junior- the point where he’s* filled up with the leftist bullshit his profs have been feeding him*, and has to vent it out so that he can take more. He’s right at that stage where he imagines invective either changes minds or silences others. Laughable, really.

*May not be “him”; may be “they” or “za” or some other made up pronoun.

Oh do tell, a link to a plausible news source?

“Hate crimes” are always White on Black, White on Brown, etc. But what of Black on White, or Brown on White? Not hate crimes according to the left. This really helps an argument when Blacks commit half the violent crime in the country despite being 13% of the populace, and Black on White crime dwarfs the other way around… Even if we assume only 10% factored the victim’s race in their decision to assault/rob/kill them- the number is still far higher than the number of murders confirmed to be race based.

And the right does NOT call any White nationalist group a “party”; the left does lionize ANTIFA, a group that targets individuals with violence, then runs away, that wears masks as any criminal would…

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility . I’m responsible for my life, my choices, both the rewards and repercussions of my choices, and I’m also responsible for my own thoughts, feelings and well-being. Soon Hispanics to be dependent on government, just like they got African-Americans dependent upon government. That’s their game.

Minorities will continue to take handouts and that’s exactly what the dummycrats want , more of master /slave bs . Dummycrats whine about the rich but love George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Tim Cook, and Jeff Bezos who are all card-carrying leftist dummycrats .

Your hate group comment dumped in just a few words. Why did the south kick out the democrats , you people are total idiots.

This bullshit can be cleared up very quickly–In 2018 50 people were murdered in hate crimes in this country, every single one, all 50, were killed by the hate group the right calls a party. Just look at you peoples remarks ,You change the subject, lie, throw out nothing but insults , cartoon answers , I didn’t know this when I came on here , but the requirements seem to be hate party or nothing/ Can someone find one response from someone on the left. You people come in here , spit out all types of hate then you all jump in and pat them on the back. The idea that this is a open discussing is a hoot. but that’s why I love this place. I started off very nice but learned quickly that this group is hate driven ugly’s. Who’s leader is a dictator. Don’t you think it is time to go after my bad spelling and the way I conjugate a verb. You people have nothing else but your hatred/ You are a support group of losers , I guess everyone needs someone.

A unemployed dummycrat that lives in his parents basement who had his lunch money taken everyday . jbandaid wants everyone to pay his way because he is too incompetent to fend on his own . He still thinks we all can grow money trees in our yards . Most likely from a Turd World . :rofl:

What a pile of hate talk from your 1%ers who control you, they thank you totally, your party exist for one reason to transfer all the wealth to the top golden few witch can’t be argued because, you have achieved just that since the trickle down lie. What you are doing by your attack on minority’s and the poor that you think should die in the streets without anything. Is doing your duty to your controllers , that money will be taken away from the poor and given to those golden few. Examples being in your party’s last half dozen tax cuts for the rich. Ya they deserve it for doing nothing, way more then the stopping the poor from dying without nothing. Yup thanks for the great example of ugliness I;ll use it in the future.

What best can describe who the hate group the right calls a party is.
This bullshit can be cleared up very quickly–In 2018 50 people were murdered in hate crimes in this country, every single one, all 50, were killed by the hate group the right calls a party

Now I make the over/under 1 day for this troll and I recommend an appropriately angry Greta avatar