Back then he hadn’t been victim of a partisan impeachment in Pelosi’s house, hadn’t waited 33 days for transmission of the ‘urgent’ Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, hadn’t been subjected to lies and attacks from Schiff and Nadler.
Nancy P really made me angry. Made me visualize some gruesome scenes…because during the SOTU… I was thinking I have to mow the front lawn today, no mercy to the dandelions. I don’t like being angry about these idiots.
What has she accomplished to deserve his handshake. She can’t control the Radicals in her party ans was hell bent on the article’s of impeachment.
Trump hit home on Commiefornia, the homeless and illegal criminals which had all Dems squirming.
Did anyone miss the village idiots walking out??? I didn’t!!!
President Trump hit a game winning Grand Slam Home Run with his SOTU address especially with America regaining its respect. Other countries may not like us, but they respect and know they can’t take us for granted.
That was then this is now “Now remember this is from the party who’s leader and supporters are supported by the Nazi Party , the KKK and the white supremacists and that is for the first time in our history , you all belong together.” love it.
Pelosi cuntily ripping up the speech is emblematic of shitlib women’s new preferred behavioral pattern in any mixed-gender environment, which is to just be an insufferable cunt to every man for no apparent reason, which makes a gaggle of fat harpies looking on squeal “Yass, kween! ”
After the impeachment bust and the reelection of Trump she is toast anyway and she knows it. Everything rested on this impeachment circus and she knew it back when it began which was why she hesitated.
Kiss whatever legacy she thought she would have away.
Trump is trash, his speech was trash, the Republican Senate is trash, and they all deserve to be torn up. Three little rips and Nancy steals the show. Do we Democrats care about “blowback?” At this point I think not. At this point no one she might have offended was going to vote our way anyhow, and the charge she gave us was well worth any potential political cost.
Thanks to Trump Americans will never again be surprised by the violent, childish, anti-American behavior of democrats. They’ve really shown their true colors. Imagine if Republicans had tortured a black kid on Facebook live because Obama was president! Imagine if Republicans had dragged elderly people from cars and kicked and stomped them in the streets for having an Obama bumper sticker. Imagine if Republicans had murdered democrats because Obama was president. Imagine if Republicans had attacked children for wearing Obama hats. There have been literally THOUSANDS of violent attacks against Republicans since President Trump was elected and democrats approved 100%! Horrible, evil, childish, disgusting people!
Thanks for you opinion! I will just say this, you just proved exactly why your side continues to lose supporters and elections! You can bitch about how Trump’s speech was trash without giving reasons why is only telling of your immaturity to not base your opinions on raw emotions. Your side can’t put together a cogent argument as to why your ideas are the best to convince the ones you disagree with, let alone being able to talk with yourselves to even agree on anything is really saying something about the substance of the arguments that you and your side is putting forth as counter arguments. You people are a bunch of losers and if you don’t care about what we think, nor care to have a civil conversation with the people who elected Trump about yours or ours ideas then it only insures our side remains in power and overruling you and that is fine by me! Let us know when you want to grow up to sit at the adult table and have a conversation, after all that is the way our system is suppose to work before you progressives tried to subvert our democratic values!
Trumpstein thinks it’s just terrific that women are claiming more than 70% of all new jobs. Hey Trumpstein, who cares about raising children right, it’s about raising consumer spending!
I thought the 13/52 meme was about crime stats but turns out it’s about Trump speeches. Blacks are 13% of the population but he spends at least 52% of every speech pandering to them.
We also learned that the 335 pilots of the Tuskegee Airmen single handedly defeated both the Nazi’s, and the Japanese Imperial Forces to win WWII
Old White men who are undoubtedly evil, US Marines who landed in the Pacific, and the Army & Navy veterans do not deserve accolades, and were placed well behind these brave black men, way way behind, out of camera shot due to their evil nature. It was the Black man who saved freedom and democracy after all.
Awaiting your salty comments…to these snarky yet factual statements and observations.