State of the Union Address 2020 - Official Thread

Its all about the resistance! Now that its backfired on them, they will be in the wilderness for awhile.

If you take almost everything he says and interpret it as the opposite then he paints an accurate portrait of reality.

This is so sad and disgusting that Democrats cant applaud how well our country is doing. Pelosi and the rest of them need to grow up. Their hate for our president is just so out of control. Iā€™m am truly embarrassed for all of them!!

Yeahā€¦ Trump is looking like a real racist giving accolades to these black people and minorities on national tv

Liberals btfo

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All these great economic reasults, but at the end of the day, white europeans will become a minority in America and everything will crumble.


Poor Nancy, I bet she hasnā€™t been this close to crying since she gagged on a particularly big one in her Congress intern days.

Friendly reminder:

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Much respect for the old Tuskegee airman. Dude is a badass.


I donā€™t care what they say about Obamaā€™s speaking ability. Trump will go down as one of the greatest speakers of all US presidents.

Damn the Democrats look so miserableā€¦ Can they really hate America so much!!


Man - I love that Trump is smashing on shitty schools.


Yeah because he talks to us like he is one of us, An American who loves his country

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Easily one of the best lines of the night:


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Canā€™t wait for the Democratic rebuttal following this address! Get your popcorn! :rofl:

HELL YES! Here he comes to obliterate illegals and the RADICAL LEFT!

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Waitā€¦so the Dems love Big Pharma now? That was a weird time to act like a bunch of uncivilized animals.

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That was cool. Good for Rush. On the spot!

The left is just so misinformedā€¦ This is a great time for our country. America is winning and the president is doing a great job! Finally we have a strong president who has kept his promise to put America first!!!