State Dept. witnesses are the ones who conducted “shadow diplomacy”

Oh yeah? What personal information was that?


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I’m not on a mission at all. I think it is quite sad that conservatives are now advocating for authoritarianism. I think it’s great that you have a real passion for this community but as an outsider looking in I do see a lot of hatred, bigotry, and comments that are just factually incorrect. There is also one individual here who seems to be harassing me every time I post and who fashions himself an expert in all things…but somehow can’t seem to back anything up.

Maybe your opinion of me will change in time. Maybe it won’t. I really don’t care what anyone other than my family thinks of me anyway so say what you will.

Patriot knows who I am. I was here long before any of you. This isn’t the first Political Bullpen. I just happened to be searching for a new forum to join and for nostalgia purposes typed in the domain…here I am.

Hi @David - I see you haven’t changed. If your intent is to stay here then I strongly urge you to read all of the rules and follow them to the letter. Make sure you read all of announcements too. Things are much more strict than you remember them.

Now…let’s allow the thread to get back on topic.


Ahh - the strong and silent @Patriot Just like I remember and as cuddly as a porcupine. I promise I’ll be on my best behavior :innocent:

I will be bringing a few of our old friends by to join the party. It’s gonna be fun!

So, bringing things back on topic, this would be a great example of shadow diplomacy.:wink:

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@David is tho thweet! :couple_with_heart_man_man:

Well that’s off topic. The op is about Trump’s State Department eating their own…

Today Fiona Hill will expose the republicans at state for peddling Russian talking points regarding Ukraine.

The endorsement of motherhood and apple pie wrapped in the flag is all well and good but what are the specific laws the diplomats would violate by encouraging the third most corrupt government on the planet to investigate corruption including Hunter Biden’s former employer, Burisma?

Several of the early witnesses in the Schiff show referred to Trump violating long standing US foreign policy by insisting the Ukrainian government take steps to eliminate corruption.
There was no objection based on violating the law.

Why would any congress go down this path especially with a new president who they vowed to impeach from day 1?

Perhaps this is proof positive the Rupub’s are a bit more adult.

Harry Reid and his nuclear option and nothing was said by the left. Mc Connell implements the Reid option and the left loses its mind. It will be most interesting to see if the GOP uses the Democrats tactics after the next leftist is elected.

And Obama did over reach on DACA bypassing law and congress and the GOP let it go. Impeachable offense? Circumventing congress and established law?

Obama circumvented congressional oversight and public comment by sending a “letter” to colleges threatening their federal funding if they did not set up something of a superagency overseeing student-on-student sexual altercations.

Pigford v. Glickman was a multi-tiered lawsuit that Obama championed. It would end up costing taxpayers about $4 billion, most of it pure scam. The New York Times called the case “a runaway train, driven by racial politics, pressure from influential members of Congress and law firms that stand to gain more than $130 million in fees.”

The money was originally earmarked as compensation for black farmers allegedly denied USDA loans, but before the Pigford gravy train had left the station, thousands of random blacks and other minorities, many of whom who had not seen a farm since CBS cancelled “Green Acres,” hopped on board.

Attorney General Eric Holder sent the Justice Department’s Community Relations Service (CRS) to Sanford, Florida, to help the locals orchestrate protests, the desired “solution” being the arrest and prosecution of an innocent man, George Zimmerman.

Congress cited AG Eric Holder for contempt, the first attorney general ever to suffer that fate. Obama invoked executive privilege for the first and only time in his presidency. The ATF head resigned as did a U.S. attorney, and any number of lesser figures were reassigned.

The IRS stalled or rejected the applications of hundreds, if not thousands, of tea party groups. Texas organizer Catherine Engelbrecht alone endured 23 distinct audits or inquiries before suing the IRS. Talk about interference in US elections.

The Obama White House deceived the American public at every turn to create a monstrously confusing program, rife with fraud, that did not work and whose rollout was an admitted fiasco. Lies upon lies.

Obama issued an executive order giving as many as a million people relief from deportation proceedings as well as the right to apply for work authorization.

The Russia Hoax: “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest,” Obama led by way of suggestion. When all the facts are known, this scandal will be the most enduring part of his legacy. Perhaps on day Obama’s interference will be revealed.

Just a few of Obama’s transgressions against the American people the leftist press has given a pass.

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Geeze when this story hit it really puts things in perspective doesn’t it?