Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

I hope that I can figure out how to use this.

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Welcome to this site! Its pretty easy to figure out!

Welcome, pilgrim! You will benefit from reading the guidelines and working through the tutorials.

There are some additional shortcuts that have to be discovered or pointed out by old codgers that stumbled upon them while rambling. I am one such old codger.

Should I assume from your user name that you are around 75 years old?


On June 9th, I will be 75 years old.

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Is there some place to go to introduce myself?

No. You just post on whatever subject matter is of interest to you. Over time you will naturally become known by the frequency of your posts.

You’re still a spring chicken! I turned 76 on March 7th.

Old people are those that have 20 more years on them than do I…regardless of what my number becomes. Currently, that would be 96…next year, it’ll be 97.

I’ll never really be old.

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How about this one, " I believe that life begins at conception!"


There used to be, but we abandoned that when we moved to this new location.

Now we get a notice about someone’s first post. I don’t know that the poster sees it, but it looks like this:

That is a good one, however I would caution you to stay on topic of each thread. The moderators enforce that policy here pretty strict. So for example if there is a thread topic on Pro life/ Abortion debate then your comment would be appropriate for that thread. The best advice I can give for that, is to go through the threads and search for the topic that is most interesting to you then read what the thread is about before expressing your opinion. I hope that helps.

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Thank you for the advice.

You will notice that we have several categories for placement of threads…and you will notice that we are encouraged to stay on topic.

Since this thread concerns the Southern Border Crisis, we are off topic now…and subject to admonition.

Read a lot first…then start posting a lot.

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Sure! Feel free to ask anyone if you are not sure about this site’s policies and functionalities. Most are pretty helpful here in that regards. It is also helpful if you read about this site’s policies and its functions as well to get yourself better acclimated how to interact with this site.

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Another fatality committed by an Illegal Alien!

The problem is that the costs of illegal immigration is essentially “hidden.” There is no “Illegal Immigration Tax” on one’s W2 for example.

Throw in areas of the country are affected disproportionately and there you have it.

Not everyone is affected, the costs are hidden and a million will enter the country this year and few care.

The interesting thing is rarely is an event like this on national news.

Jump right in.

Welcome to the site, there’s something for everyone.