Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

That is why we post it here and other places! We are doing the job that MSM refuses to do!

I post it on various sites.

When you ask can we snd you school system 100K non english speakers all you hear is crickets. Can we add 100K illegals to your community, crickets.

They look but do not see, listen but do not hear.

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This is freaking crazy!

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It looks like there is a major shake up going on at DHS.

I really like this hire!

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We also need a big shake up in congress.

The root rise of the problems w are experiencing today centers centers around congress and their inability to address asylum and immigration law.

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Yes! That is the primary problem and if you one of those people who believes that Saul Alynsky’s “Rules for Radicals” book was adopted by the left and has been implemented then its not hard to see that the immigration issue is one such tactic that is being used to overwhelm the system.

I was giving thought to this issue this morning from a hindsight perspective. Republicans love cheap labor and Democrats want to increase their voting base. Back before Trump became President, the Democrats were advocating for border security, while Republicans were mum on the issue. Fast forward to the current situation today, now its the democrats that is mum on the immigration issue and Republicans, (at least the ones that are not aligned with the Koch brothers and COC Tom Donahue) that are advocating for border security. Democrats were playing politics at time when they were advocating for border security to make the Republicans look bad. Republicans are doing the same now. They never had any intentions on fixing the issue, only wanting to prolong it because not only did both sides used it as a political talking point over the years, but both parties have profited handsomely from it.

I think this new hire is a good start along with hiring a czar (but thats only if the position actually has subordinates instead of a mere advisory role) and could start the process of outside the box solutions.

I think with Devin Nune’s recent announcement that he will be submitting 8 referrals for criminal indictments, I got to thinking further that maybe it is time to start using the tool of fear to send congress a very strong message! Start arresting members of congress, members of Obama’s circle, and start leveling charges. When you say a shake up is needed, I say go outside the box and take a no prisoners approach. Maybe that is my frustration with what has been happening talking, but something has to give at some point, and this immigration crisis is not sustainable, in other words its going to destroy the country ultimately.

Another great idea that Trump should immediately use instead of waiting a year, is to use the financial remittances to Mexico suggested by former Kansas SOS Kris Kobach


Kris Kobach to Trump: End All Remittances to Mexico to Stop Illegal Immigration

Kris Kobach says President Trump can stop mass illegal immigration and asylum fraud, as well as boost the American economy, by unilaterally ending all remittances to Mexico.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Tonight, Kobach said Trump should replace his prolonged threat to Mexico — where he said he will wait a year before he puts pressure on the country — with an executive regulation that threatens to end all remittances by illegal aliens in the U.S. back to Mexico.

The threat to end remittances, Kobach detailed, can be used to force Mexico into an agreement with the U.S. that bans Central American nationals from passing through Mexico to get to the U.S. to claim asylum despite Mexico having a robust asylum system. *The policy, Kobach said, would ensure that Central Americans claim asylum in the first eligible country they travel to.

“The threat I propose is one that actually helps us if we follow through on it. That is the threat of ending remittances from the majority of people in the United States from Mexico who are here illegally. That is a threat that we could carry through on that actually helps our economy because the money is not sent home, it stays in circulation in the U.S. economy and helps rev up our economy. It’s actually a good thing if we follow through.”

Kobach said that though illegal aliens from Mexico in the U.S. may turn to using forms of cryptocurrency to send money back home, the ending of remittances would still likely stop the current trend of soaring illegal immigration while also significantly putting pressure on the Mexican economy.

“There will always be ways to circumvent things you put in place,” Kobach said. “Yes, if we stop wire transfers and bank transfers, there may be ways to get around it and one way to get around it is to send cash in the mail.”

“But, it will still significantly reduce the amount of money flowing into Mexico if we exercise that threat,” Kobach said. “And frankly, we may never even have to find out because I believe if you pass the initial regulation and you tell Mexico ‘Look, we’re going to finalize this thing unless you give us a safe third country agreement,’ I think they’re going to give us the agreement. They don’t want to risk losing that massive flow of foreign capital. In most years, it’s their second biggest source of foreign capital.”

*According to the latest World Bank report, remittances back to Mexico from illegal and legal immigrants living in the U.S. reached nearly $34 billion in 2018. This accounts for a 21 percent increase in remittances compared to 2016 levels, when illegal and legal immigrants from Mexico sent about $28 billion back home.

*Central Americans, both illegal and legal immigrants, living in the U.S. sent about $20 billion home in remittances in 2018. This is up from the nearly $16 billion that was sent out of the U.S. to Central America in 2016. In just two years, the outflow of cash from the U.S. to Central America increased by 25 percent.

Kobach detailed to Breitbart News a series of steps the Trump administration can take, executively without approval from Congress, to drastically reduce the level of illegal immigration arriving at the southern border. Kobach asserts that historic wage hikes for America’s blue collar and working class will not continue should illegal immigration levels continue at their current pace.

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Wouldn’t that depend upon how much federal Welfare and Medicaid dollars go into caring for those here illegally? In that case we are all affected.

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Medicaid, affects both Federal and state coffers. Medicaid is a 60 Federal 40 state split.

The cost of teaching an illegal alien child who doesn’t speak English is estimated to cost an average cost of over $12,000 a year. Some state like NY are higher.

Local general public services ($18.5 billion) and local medical services ($12.1 billion).

States have a much larger burden that the Federal Government.

A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.

In any case neither have money only the money they take from us.

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Thanks for posting the video. I’d heard about this company and their proposal. Seems to me like a win.

Border Patrol says it needs 234 miles of new barrier along the southern border. The government estimated doing that could take five years and cost $5.7 billion.

Fisher Industries was one of the original companies to build a prototype wall for the government more than a year ago.

Now it has sent in a new proposal. It says it can get the job done in 16 months, for $1.4 billion less.

Arizona News

You bet! Yes I want this to happen. The most impressive part about their design is how its designed to have two roads to monitor the border. The lower part has a steel barrier with a road on the other side, and then the concrete wall that is 30 feet in height that is braced with dirt with another road on the top to give the advantage to border agents to see above. Not only that, but any people who try to get over the first fence would have no where to go as climbing or digging the cement wall would be impossible so their only option is to walk down the road and by then a border agent will be able to easily apprehend them. IMO this is the best proposal out there!


I wonder now that things are shifting if they are cognizant of this threat in a dollar sense.

I doubt it.

The media ignores the costs of so many illegals pretending they contribute a net positive to the country.

The left believes the drivel from the media.

The democrats and their leadership have a completely different agenda, power forever.

I am shaking my head at how oblivious one must be to not understand the cost of illegals to this country.

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Half the country pays no Federal income tax so they probably don’t care however one would think some would care about the poor education their children receive.

What should be broadcast loud and clear and hammered home is wage suppression.

“If it weren’t for illegal immigration a person making $12.00 per hour could be making $16.00 per hour”.

Let people think on that. You and I (and many on this board) are employers or have at one time been employers.

If people truly understood the corollary between the two they might just wake up and find some outrage.

Ah but we have the government to artificially raise the minimum wage so illegals can send more money out of the country.

Tack that onto the message. It will add more kindling to the fire.

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Kobach now! …