Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

That is a very good point, and the “We the People” part need to start exercising their right in order for their voices to be heard. However voting is not enough, it has to start at the grass roots level by convincing other voters that Border security is in their best interest as Americans.

Here is a list of deaths committed by Illegal aliens in the country. Let me now if this is not comprehensive enough!

Other links

Wow, that is pretty scary. I cannot imagine seeing a video of all of those illegals running through my backyard… Worse, is if I’d slept through it.

Guaranteed, it would only take one time for this to happen to Pelosi and the wall would be built faster than you could blink an eye.

Of course, for us common tax payers, we can just pound sand.

Well I would tell the lady to get a couple of Rottweilers and her problems go away. Cockroaches come out at night! I would love it if Trump would suddenly announce that he was going set up land mines along the Southern Border (placebo). Can you imagine liberal heads exploding? Good times!

Good times is giving the dems and Mexico a good thrashing by shutting down the border.

Turn all of the migrants back to the care of Mexico. Let them dig into their treasure to provide food, housing and medical care. Let them feel the economic impact for once.

I still want to know where all of the money went or is going that was approved during the shutdown for Mexico to keep migrants on <<< that side of the border.

Turn every person crossing the border illegally around after finger printing and if caught again 90 days in Jail and upward for every offense afterwards.

That is like trying to poke a red ant hill right now, Lou. From the perspective that there are just too many and there is not enough manpower to keep up with it.

But, I do think that for every dollar we spend… be it: welfare, education, medical or imprisonment should be BILLED to the county from where the illegal immigrated from. Let them pay the bill for their citizens in this county.

No country would pay the bill.

Perhaps end all foreign aid and trade with the offending countries.

Round up their citizens and drop the at the borer marching to back to Mexico at gun point.

Of COURSE they won’t pay the bill! You know that and I know that!

So, deduct from aid. Oh, hey here is your check .89 cents. But HEY, ya could have had 5 billion. Oh well… Sucks to be you.

I like his idea!

I am beginning to think that Trump will back down from his threat. With 2020 so close, I think it will not be a good strategy if he decided to shutdown the border. As much as I want him to do it, the Dems will use it as fuel to bolster their election chances. I think something else has to be done until after the 2020 elections. I don’t know, just a thought. What do you think? IMO we need Trump to win a second term, so I am rethinking this a bit.

Enter the wisdom of what? Oh yeah. The Electoral College. :wink:

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He may back down. It is hard to say. It is difficult to believe in a goal and know that you are doing the right thing when you have so many voices telling you that you are not. I don’t care how strong you are. It wears on you. Everyone has a breaking point.

The left is counting on him to back down. To break and to bend. Watching and waiting like vultures.

I think he will follow through. I hope he does. How long he can last? Hard to say.

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I hear ya! I stand with you fellow American!


Priorities are well, priorities.

The price of avocados: Media ignore border debacle to feed us avocado stories

Here at the Mexican border in San Diego, the local television press is always looking for ways to Get Trump. The illegal immigrant sob stories aren’t working all that much anymore. So now they’re reporting on President Trump’s threatened border shutdown over it as a matter of the price of avocados in San Diego.

Here’s the suspiciously similar local headlines with the televised reports that went out yesterday:

Will the US Run Out of Avocados If the Border Closes? -NBC 7

Could America run out of avocados if Trump shuts the U.S.-Mexico border? -Fox 5

We’ll run out of avocados in 3 weeks if President Trump closes the border -ABC 10 / Associated Press

VERIFY: Will we really run out of avocados if President Trump closes the border? -ABC10

Here’s an additional video full of b-roll images from CBS News, probably not local, nor for that matter, even news, just a propaganda film.

Obviously, the intent is to create a unified voice to whip up opposition to Trump’s vow to shut the U.S.-Mexican border on public hysteria grounds, supposedly because we San Diegans just can’t possibly live without our guac and margaritas, we’re too la-la over here, and someone messing with our avocado supply should be enough to trigger the fury of Surfer Dude Nation.

It’s insulting, and I say this as a huge fan of Mexican avocados, which I do consume every single day.

They’re doing this as a smoke-screen and a click-bait bid, because they don’t want us to pay any attention to the bigger issue out there that President Trump is focused on - that illegal immigration and all its legal loopholes, is costing us more than $100 billion a year, along with uncalculated costs of imported crime, disease, cartel and human smuggler empowerment, and lost opportunities, the natural result of any unvetted entry of large numbers of foreign nationals into a developed country. This year, the U.S. is facing 1.5 million illegal entriesfrom unvetted and undocumented migrants, and U.S. detention centers are overwhelmed and full, forcing authorities to release of 100,000 unvetted peopleinto the interior of the country in just the past three months.

Some intelligent coverage would weigh those greater issues with the price of avocados (NBC 10 has an earlier story that didn’t run on the air, which does touch on this weighing of issues, to its credit), instead of just trying to roust the lotus-eaters about messing with their avocado supply.

It’s a manipulative picture, done in lockstep, and all about trying to dissuade President Trump from doing anything at all about the out of control border situation. Instead of hollering about avocado prices, how about some reporting about the billions to be paidfrom impact of human waves in San Diego as more than a million unvetted migrants stream over? How’s that going to affect the local crime rate in a place like San Diego? How’s that going to affect the schools? What’s that going to do to the already bad homeless situation? What’s that going to do to the price and availability of health care? Anyone asking?

No such questions asked. Getting Trump is just too important. So now all we have is a manipulative bid to draw viewer eyeballs and whip up ire, with lots and lots of stories about avocados.

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California can grow avocados. Heck, I’m here in SW Florida and we grow them. People try to GIVE them away because they can’t possibly gather all of the fruit and it messes up the lawn mowers :joy:

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