Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

Along with many adults and so-called leaders check out Biden’s appointees !!!

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Biden Admin loses track of 50 terrorists that crossed over at the Southern Border. People better start waking up, this was no accident!


I get told that no illegals vote in our elections all the time. I just laugh at the gullable fools.

I’m amazed that ‘usually’ intelligent people fall for that lie.

If that were true we would have voter ID .

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If the dead can vote for Biden (Like attracts like?), why not the illegals?

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Fuck Maydorkas. This mother fucker needs to be shot.

Yeah we know that is a lie. Arizona in 2020 was rife with illegals voting in that election and the midterms in 2022. That asshat state has a illegitimate Governor as a result. A racist one at that.

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Agree! Every time I see this POS in the news I want to reach through my computer screen and strangle this cocksucker!

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It is obscene we have so many in the GOP that side with the left .

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This is atrocious! Why? Because most of these scumbags were known about their duplicity before they were elected to office. Salazar is simply a subhuman piece of excrement on a tissue paper that should be surging out to sea, but like a STD they keep sticking around.


This was truly remarkable! Hawley is doing the people’s work!

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Scumbag will not speak on the fact is a bullshit answer . MF !!!



That’s the very reason the dems allowed so many illegals into our Country - to win elections !


This is most disturbing and it smells like a Soros/Obama strategy to destabilize our country in the worst way.

They keep talking about it but the insanity continues. At least they passed the “Safe Act” to make it appear as if they are useful.

Did you mean the SAVE ACT ???
The Safe Act allows the government has engaged in “persistent and widespread” violations of the rules governing warrantless searches of Americans’ communications searches improperly aimed at political opponents ,

Yes, my mistake. Everything gets blurred in the times we currently live in. At least we now know that we have Dems on record in voting against. The secret is out.