Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

A close one with dummycrats trying to kill the bill …

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act passed on Wednesday by a vote of 221 to 198 . In total, 216 Republicans and five Democrats voted to pass the bill, while 198 Democrats voted against the measure.

This is rather disturbing!

During a recent podcast with




, some disturbing details emerged about the crisis at our southern border. Phil had the chance to have a discussion with Brandon Judd who is the President of The National Border Patrol. During this talk a couple of disturbing details emerged: - When Biden took office, they immediately did away with Rapid DNA testing to verify familial relations between children and adults. - Children arrive at our southern border with specific address(es) written on their bodies. No verification of who’s at those addresses is done. Judd: " There’s a very good possibility that they’re being trafficked … that they’re going into s*x industry or they’re being forced into sweatshops." Phil: "We knowingly are spending our tax dollars to sell children… How, under any theory, is that okay for us to be spending tax dollars to traffick children? According to a March 2023 report by the Council on Foreign Relations think tank, it was stated that more than 152,000 unaccompanied minors were found at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2022, an all-time high, separated from friends or family. Now keep in mind that there are at least 85,000 of those children that have gone missing. Why are our tax dollars being used to facilitate such atrocities? When does the madness end?

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Tax dollars are meaningless to dems all the are concerned with is VOTES . It was obvious with the 185 dems that votes against the SAVE ACT which would prevent illegals from voting .

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Will it die in the senate is the next round? Probably! The swamp is deep.

The bill was narrowly defeated in the house .

There will be an unprecedented number of illegals entering our Country in the next 5 months , the numbers will be staggering !!!

Yes, you are correct to which treason is the high order to hold people like Mayorkas and others accountable. Public hangings is a good start!

If you have been watching what has been happening in Leeds England and France, then its easy to surmise what they have planned for America.

Isn’t unfortunate voters are more concerned with hate than issues that really matter .

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I have been saying the same thing for months/years. No one seems to care about the country or it’s prosperity… only “I hate this person, so…”

This is the kind of thinking that gave us Biden… and unfortunately might land us Kamala… God forbid.


Ammo up! Lock and load and protect your loved ones!


It would be 4 years of Obama and the Clintons calling all the shots .


This is all getting to be too common thus is no accident that these POS are being released after being captured by LEO. The same pattern that is happening across Europe.

Get the bigger picture yet?

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Our fucked-up leaders live in gated communities and could care less .


Of course and its all by design. This is not a case of dereliction of duty, or incompetence, but a case of a grander scheme to demoralize a nation. They did it to the UK, they did it to France, they did it to Germany, they did it to Sweden, and they are trying to do it to many other nations in the west. Why? What is the motive? So the elites can isolate themselves with chaos while destroying national identities. Who is behind it? The Social engineers? George Soros? Klauss Schwaab, and any other evil SOB’s behind the black curtain!


Was it the mayor of Seattle? The bitch who made the comment about the “summer of love” crap and her suburbian home was surrounded by an angry crowd.

The addresses of these corrupt politicians should be made public.

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Well , the dems need much more love and riots because if heels-up wins those scumbags will have to rob everything in site .

Dems sure love riots, don’t they? LOL

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And looters , smash and grabbers, illegals , taxes , blacks , DEI , gender-benders, debt, programs , printing money , inflation , gated communities , cheap labor , and satan !!!

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And Satan! It all goes back to that common denominator for the left!