Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

Well then 4-1/2 % is in DC holding office !


This is a bizarre statement. There are no FEMA Camps

A Facebook post also includes details about where the purported 800 prison camps are located, including Fort Chaffee in Arkansas and Camp Grayling in Michigan. But evidence does not corroborate those claims.

We rate this claim Pants on Fire!

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We have a few problems in the USA that may or may not exist elsewhere; psychology, the science as taught in university and practiced in society has been co-opted by the politics of homosexuals, both within their professional ranks, and those other people within the profession who have capitulated to homosexuals the moral authority to define what is and what ain’t normal, acceptable behavior. I won’t speculate on the process by which the queer have convinced so-called psychologists & psychiatrists to yield to what should be patients under care, but they have given over the upper hand and have accepted the idea that all the bizarre homosexual desires are just like all the other normal people, just superficially different.

We’ve gone from tolerating deviant behavior because the American Psychological Assoc. or whomever that group professional is, says so. That’s like accepting poorly running cars as the norm because your mechanic says he can’t fix it. No; a thousand times, No! A larger than normal percentage of college staff, and news & media, Hollywood, et al., are queer and have successfully leaned on friends within their professions to accept them as they are, and have used this semi-acceptance as an official stamp of approval, which it is not. They are now of sufficient numbers and in high enough positions to enforce their acceptance in society as equivalents to normal. Then, have advanced their agenda far beyond mere tolerance to now pushing the transgender theory as “normal and acceptable”. Push has come to shove and the only sane response will be the obvious, outright and overt rejection of all and any abnormal and/or socially counterproductive sexual behavior. Exactly when the explosion will occur, I have no idea, but two kinds of moral standards can’t co-exist: they are juxtaposed in every aspect and one cannot exit at the same time the other does. One is the perfect antithesis of the other.

Homelessness falls into the same category of breach of social norm. Either the cities are safe and orderly and we all abide some rules & values notions of what is the right way and what is the wrong way to live, or there is no social order and no reason for cities or any size group of people to live nearby each other.

Both of these problems as above exist now and didn’t in our recent past because the municipalities & states decided to shut down mental hospitals. Now the crazy live among us and receive no treatment because there is no place to treat them. The courts did not help in this matter, with rulings that fucked-up people can’t be held without their consent or a specific medical diagnoses, and therein lies the rub. While this almost ALMOST sounded like enlightened individual rights at the time, it was dead wrong. That’s dead wrong for society which is now flooded with nutty people in our midst instead of hospitalized and receiving care, and dead wrong for the people who need professional care who receive none because the cost has to be borne by the family. 99.5% of the families can’t afford to give care, so none is given and slightly screw-up people wander about until they find an edge to fall over.

The tipping point was reached because the professional psychologists failed, time, after time, after time to diagnose these people properly and when quizzed in court mumbled, “…showed no professionally delineated diagnostic disease symptoms as outlined by American Psychological standards…” or some such drivel. No official diagnoses; no reason to hold these people. So, how’s that working out for society? Or the screwed-up people who need help? The mechanic says nothing wrong with the car, ipso facto, nothing wrong???

We need places to put these people; we need professionals to treat them; we need standards of behavior that reflect social norms we can live with; and what passes for the science of psychology needs to brought back to science; scientific processes, and they need standards that reflect society as we want it. If psychology can’t fix itself then they are not just charlatans practicing some black art; they need to be burned like the witches they are. And then we start over with sane, scenically-oriented people to develop a real science.

It was peer pressure and pressure from gay leaders that allowed the change but it was a mental disorder and still is one .
In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and 3,810 to retain it.
The APA then compromised, removing homosexuality from the DSM but replacing it, in effect, with “sexual orientation disturbance” for people “in conflict with” their sexual orientation. Not until 1987 did homosexuality completely fall out of the DSM.
Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva only removed homosexuality from its International Classification of Diseases (ICD) with the publication of ICD-10 in 1992, although ICD-10 still carried the construct of “ego-dystonic sexual orientation.” In this “condition,” the person is not in doubt about his or her sexual preference, however, “wishes it were different because of associated psychological and behavioural disorders.”

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There also no “Gay Gene” as some from the Alphabet community tried to use as an argument some years ago. Its predicated both by mental and emotional connections to the parents. This is my belief and is not proven by clinical studies on the subject matter.

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Total BS .

more than a thousand lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people have become elected officials and government leaders, and there have been at least seven out LGBTQ heads of state globally.

The importance of LGBTQ representation in government can be summed up in this adage: “If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.”
With more than half of our Congress and Senate being GAY and former FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover being a homosexual of course the pressure was on to remove homosexuality from the books of mental disorder !!!


What is total BS? That science says there is no Gay Gene? Or BS that the Alphabet community tried using it as an argument years ago as being hereditary?

That there is a so-called gay gene .

Its seems all the degenerate scourges of society is attracted to career Politics as a career move to legitimize their unsavory indulgences. They are motivated to legalize their pedo behaviors.


If there was a gay gene then WHY is it 13.1 percent of transgender people participating in the U.S. Transgender Survey reported detransitioning at some point in their lives ??

That is what I said originally, there is no “Gay Gene”. The alphabet people are also not using it as an argument anymore either because their claims were debunked by science when the scientific community made the announcement official in a peer review study that confirmed it as such.

This could be due to several factors, one in which would be an entire different rabbit hole to go into. Ugh!

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The Democrats are now breaking the law! Arrest that POS Susan Rice!

They are the basket of untouchables. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Exactly. Children are generally unsure of how they fit in the world, society, their local groups, and need guidance. The advent of so-called advisors in school systems somehow missed having a charter that included consideration of what is good for the country. If a child thinks they are happier as thieves, do we encourage that as a legit pursuit? If they think they have all the education they need by the 7th grade, do we help them leave school? There are lots of wrong-headed ideas that pop into children’s heads that we guide them away from based upon the basic idea that we want children to grow up into good, happy & productive citizens. That is; good for themselves and the country and their families and we know what that looks like when they’re 5 years old and when they are 25 years old.

Somehow, the school systems have dropped the ball: they work for us; not the children, and damned sure not themselves. If and when questions arise as to what is good for the child, then the default prime mover is the family unit as being headed by a mother and a father, presiding officers. They take all ties; and no deviation from the norm or expected may be followed without the express permission of the nuclear family’s head officers. The school systems have skirted this to the point of excluding the family’s permission and that IS the last straw for so-called public education’s existence. Goodbye & good riddance, Charter Schools will be replacing them and their unions.

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The border crisis is a sign of a decaying society. And I think LGBTQ is a sign of a decaying nation, just as Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the world, which is bound to die soon.

Is it biological or derived from (wrong) education? Probably both.

Just a reference.

I find that conflicting. Why? Because the border crisis is an orchestrated Cloward Piven strategy to accelerate America’s demise and collapse.

When Soros funded NGO’s are operating with impunity to bring in as many as possible from third world countries whereas this Administration is complicit to seeing that end, then its safe to say its a self inflicted wound with treason attached to its violations.

This has been written and talked about for decades but nobody listened. Now its happening.


You could be the healthiest guy in town. However, just a wrong step into some ethnic restaurant, or a short trip to south of the border, can get you infected with a parasitic disease.

The more vitamins and minerals you take, the parasites multiply, eventually bringing you down with all kinds of diseases of the kineys, liver, heart you name it. Once you go to the doctor who prescibes all kinds of pharmaceutical drugs because he has no idea, you’re done for.

What’s the real remedy? Natural, holistic anti-parasitic herbs such as wormwood.

What America needs is a big dose of wormwood.