Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

Well the 11 million are the illegals that entered the Country in the past 4 years , we all know the true number of illegals in our country today exceeds 60 million . dems have no plan to stop allowing millions more to enter and we know most sanctuary Cities are going broke FAST !
dems will never stop finding ways to stay in office so this is their voting base of the near future .


Trump will to need to issue a National Emergency Order immediately to start herding up the illegals and lining the border with National Guard troops to shut it down from coast to coast to coast (including the Canadian 3,000 miles). The troops need the exercise, and the borders need to be closed long enough to install secret monitoring devices that allow the newly expanded Border Patrol to monitor it constantly and be alerted when the bad guys first approach so the USBP to get a drone over the area to follow bad guys from a thousand feet up which is too high to shoot out of the sky, and very hard to even see. Once in-place these systems can be almost foolproof.

Along with rounding up those illegals that only speak their native language; many illegals will be clustered in groups. It takes more skill to evade authorities than may be apparent in the movies. You can hide, but you need to eat regularly, so you need to show yourself. The same cameras that monitor traffic can monitor anything, anywhere. It’s almost impossible to move about in big cities without being seen and extra cameras in just the right places can cover the areas near hiding places.
Places like New York City can contribute train loads every day and the so-called homeless encampments can be cleaned up at the same time. If the city is willing to treat the illegals to hotel rooms then replacing the illegals with homeless Americans is a one-for-one exchange that should be re-enforced with a slew of pro bono class-action lawsuits. Citizens don’t want them on the streets, and treating them worse than illegals ought to be some kind of discrimination to be rectified, now. If the city needs institutions to house these homeless, then build them and move them in. The day when there is no place for the communities to house the homeless should be over and done forever.

Lots of work to do; Trump is just the kind of organizer we need: he can walk & chew gum at the same time.

Remember Congress failed to pass any immigration bills even when Republicans controlled both chambers. Trump will be meet with roadblock after roadblock !!!
We seen claims after claims of racism in his attempt to stop border crossing during the height of Covid .

This is what happened during the pandemic 

Immigrant advocates accuse the Trump administration of exploiting the pandemic to advance its crackdown on asylum-seekers, and the partial closure of the southern border where thousands have amassed in Mexico is sure to draw legal challenges.

“President Trump has been falsely scapegoating immigrant communities in the name of public safety since he came into office,” said Michelle BranĂ© at the Women’s Refugee Commission. “This rule would unquestionably violate both domestic and international law and is an abdication of our moral responsibility to protect vulnerable people.”

If this happened during the pandemic what do you think they will say NOW ?

Trump was building the wall.

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Oh? I heard a coup of you guys saying the President has no power over Congress.

haha, deja-vu.
The shibboleth Americans used in the jungles of the South Pacific during WWII was “Little Lulu’s lolipop.”

For Spanish speakers, words with a lot of “v” or maybe words with “rhotic r.” LOL

This is strange that so many facilities in all 50 states are being built. I had spoke with a few people I know in DHS and they have confirmed that as being the case. Rock road ahead if this is something we are not expecting. Cheers


Yes its an unsettling feeling not knowing what the deep state is planning next especially in a election year as important as this one.

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The same can be said for FEMA camps.
Fences there are built with barbed wires facing inwards to keep people in (meaning to prevent escaping) rather than preventing intrusion from outside.

They are set up the same as FEMA camps. Hurricane Katrina was a test run.

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Yes, the residents of New Orleans were confined in a football stadium or something and not allowed to leave. There was violence and even rapes.

Certainly Deep State wanted to see how these people in horrible conditions behaved, like caged animals.

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Remember what Government always says it doesn’t do but believe the opposite. It’s all about data, collecting data and whoever has the most information is in control.

And the dems stopped it !!!

It’s all about power and CONTROL !!!

You have a problem with Americans, don’t you? Maybe jealousy, or hypercritical, or you’re superior, or anyone is superior to Yanks. Or, all of the above? I don’t have a problem with any of those, we have feet of clay over here, -just like all other govts because, -I say again- govts made of mankind reflect the flaws of the kinds of people who seek higher office. We Do have more & better safeguards than Spain or the UK or any other country, and we STILL have politicians overstepping the statute limitations we have on them. That never happens anywhere else, Eh? What’s the difference being politicians and thespians? One starts with P and the other starts with T. Both fake portraying people better than they are.

Evidently, you haven’t noticed that the govt of Mexico is now and has been for some time captive of the drug cartels who have better armed “armies” than the official Federalis? And you probably missed Justin Trudeau’s govt action of seizing the bank accounts of protesting truckers cutting them off from essentially, -everything?

The people of the UK voted one way on Brexit, but the govts ( two in a row) dragged their feet beginning negotiations for five years. That’s better govt?

You also missed the interviews of the immigrants, EVERYDAY in which the news guy asks where they are from and/or where they are going?? Most speak no English at all and couldn’t answer. The others are limited to a country they are from or a city name in the US. CLEARLY, these people will need to stay in a group of like immigrants or they won’t be able to eat.

For the record: the USA has the best legal structure of any nation that has ever been. Look back in history: how many eventually crashed? All of them. There ARE some countries in the former Soviet block that are operating on the same principles & legal format (as the USA), like Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and others like Hungry which are closing in on superior systems. Please notice that Spain & the UK are not on my list. As I hear it, the Scots may be asking for their St. Andrew Cross back, and making the Union Jack a collector’s item.

Put this in your pipe and smoke it: The concept of unions of large groups of states may not be a good idea. The US system of different states may be a step or two too close for comfort, while still better than most. Just exactly how close the laws in one unit of a conglomeration are to all others may not serve all well. As an outsider, I see that what is breaking the EU apart is exactly that, -forced duplication of bad ideas. We here in Flyover don’t like much about either of our two Left coasts because the states on either coast seem to have accumulated the kinds of people who have forsaken the standards & mores of the old fashion “America” and replaced them with anti-American, anti-western culture, anti-religious, anti-Second Amendment, WOKE pro-CRT/DEI, Open-border, Climate Change anti-carbon, anti-fossil fuel, anti-mining, anti-nuclear power, mandatory EVs-wind mills solar-power, Vegetarian-anti-open range cattle ranching, anti-power/irrigation dams, pro abortion mills as birth-control, anti-free speech/forced vaccine, anti-men, anti-white men, and pro-high taxes & regulation.

The people on the coasts are against everything we are for. Do we really want to be united with them? Or them with us? As to you Europeans: You’ve got more than your share of internal and external vices & conflicts to resolve, so take your shots at us. We look at you and laugh.

One last shot across your bow: if the other kinds of culture are so goddamn good, why are Africans risking death to escape Africa? Same for Middle-Eastern, South American, etc. They are escaping TO western cultural lands. Sit on that.

Getting the bigger picture yet?


This is only ONE perspective. Russia wants to protect its own citizens from the interferences from the west run by the US Deep State.

Like former President Medvedev (I’m not sure what exactly his current role is, but Putin and Medvedev are playing “good cop, bad cop” for sure) said, Russia is capable of forming an insurrection inside the US.
Wall Street Apes on X: “How Far Has Trust In US Government Fallen? “Alright. Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever the hell you wanna call me. I don’t care. But hear me out. What if, like, Russia and North Korea and China, what if they’re not the villains? Like, what if Russia has things” / X

Obama and the demoRATS are doing their best to start a civil war !!!


This was all part of the plan. A George Soros funded NGO’s network designed to collapse the US system to lessen America’s footprint in the world by weakening it. Can you say “Cloward and Piven” strategy or Saul Alynski’s “Rules for Radicals”?


It no longer surprises me at the number of evil people in the usa .


Evil people are everywhere. It is estimated that 5% of the entire human population are psychopaths one way or another.

Yes, such evil people got a hold on the US power structure unfortunately.

Question is, how to keep such people from positions of power now and in the future. Perhaps education. I’m sure psychopaths show symptoms early in childhood, and it is necessary to keep a tab on them.