Smooth Sailing Ahead for Trump

Smooth Sailing Ahead for Trump

Conrad Black lists a litany of reasons why Trump will have no problem getting re-elected. It was hard to pick just one quote, so I suggest reading the article. Does anyone disagree that Trump will get re-elected? I don’t see how.


Poll finds most Americans believe Trump will win the 2020 election

Right. Smooth sailing. As long as he doesn’t build the wall or stop illegal immigration he pretty much doesn’t have any work to do. Might as well golf while this motherfucker burns…amirite?

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Right now we have the lowest unemployment numbers in 50 years. For Blacks and Hispanics we have the lowest unemployment numbers ever recorded. We have a GDP growth that Obama said could never happen again, and manufacturing jobs are coming back.

Tell me exactly, what exactly is burning? Nothing is burning. Everything is great. If you think we are in bad shape then I suggest that you are listening to too much fake news.

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I don’t give a shit about black and hispanic unemployment.

At the rate this country is getting invaded that’s all there will be - black and hispanic employment. You are celebrating your demographic replacements.


OMFG this thread :rofl:

Proof that there actually ARE lots of people out there shilling for Trump. They are mostly Israel First Boomercons - basically the “right-wing” version of NPC’s. The “Dems are REAL racists!” and “The Democrats invented the KKK!” crowd. The people who get “woke” watching Candace Owens, babble about “lowest black unemployment!”, think “Iran is threat!” because BASED Ben Shapiro says so, and who think MLK was some kind of American icon and not a shit-stirring, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ communist, plagiarist, rapist, and sex pervert. The type of folks who donate to that lard ass heretic shill Pastor Hagee. People who watch Charlie Kirk, Mark Dice, Dinesh D’Souza, and Alex Jones. The hardcore MAGApede crowd. The r/The Donald retards. The idiots who view “SJW’s” as something that need to be laughed at and ignored instead of ideologue communist foot soldiers that they are and who will one day be making laws on the municipal, state, and federal levels. The ones who shill for Ayn Rand LOLbertarian bullshit that The Founders would totally reject and who think that conservatives need to “start their own social media companies” because you can’t have the government interfering with the sacred markets. The people who will tell you how they have black grand kids in a comment section when some libshit calls them a racist. Being “racist” is worse than being a child molester or mass murderer to these jack asses.

Whoever said that shit about traitors getting a bullet before your enemy was spot on. These morons can’t get out of their own way much less advocate for white interests. That would be bad, you know. The sacred Saint Doctor Professor Demigod Martin Luther King Jr. would disagree with that.

This thread…rant over :rofl:.


Then you are an idiot. They are Americans too you know.

So you are a racist AND a moron. You are the type of jackass that gives Trump supporters a bad name.

President Trump is making America great again for ALL Americans, not just you hillbillies.

Great, another baby-killing leftwing socialist imbecile,.

The Dems ARE the real racists, and they invented the KKK you crap-for-brains half-wit

Me, a leftist? Ok ok 14/88 HH! :ok_hand:

Pay attention boomercuck. All we wanted was an actual wall and not a ■■■■■■ fence. We wanted mass deportations instead of the worst illegal immigration ever. We wanted no more ■■■■■■ wars for Israel instead of ramping up to attack Iran.

You are a moron. Everyone who still buys Trumps ■■■■■ up bullshit is a moron. What the actual fuck is wrong with you people? For reals tho.


Eat sh**t you stupid c*nt. You sure as hell SOUND like a Leftist. Never-Trumpers and Leftists are all cut from the same stupid ignorant cloth. Either way you are still a moron and an idiot. Your last post proves it. If you you think you’re a conservative, you’re not. You’re just an asshole, and an ignorant one at that


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Sorry if the Never-Trumpers and Leftists and extremists don’t like it, but the subject of this thread is that Trump has smooth sailing to re-election, and I am happy for it. If you’re not happy about that, then go fuck the horse you rode in on

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Did you expect everyone to agree with you?

There’s nothing wrong with people on the Right giving Trump a hard time for pretty much getting nothing done and building negative miles of the wall. But, the infantile overreactions of ex-Trump supporters/voters are not very convincing. I remember back in early 2017, barely 2 months after the guy had taken office, dummies on Twitter were uploading videos burning their MAGA hats because Donald had “betrayed” them by launching some missiles at an Assad airbase. At the time it seemed petty, and now it’s just embarrassing. I have my MAGA hat and will keep it till the day I die, if for no other reason than, to quote a great hero, “as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose”.

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I did not expect attacks from the extreme Right. My experience in forums is usually just dealing with the usual Leftwing morons. I am usually the most conservative person in an average run-of-the-mill forum. I have never been in a forum with honest to goodness rightwing extremists. I have to say, they are very distasteful & disturbing, and they do not help the real conservative movement at all.

There are many of us here who are far right. The fangs generally don’t come out until a personal attack gets waged. Just don’t do that and we can all have an honest debate…which is the point. Like it or not, we were the driving force that memed Trump into office. We aren’t the ones to piss off.

Well, UberTrad decided to attack me in her first post in this thread. I am usually never the first person to attack anyone (usually) but I sure as fuck will defend myself.

True conservatives do not look at themselves as Left or Right. We see ourselves as Constitutionalists. If the Constitution was truly honored by lawmakers and courts then America would be a great place.

Oh, and for the record: I despise people who hate ■■■■■ There is nothing American about antisemitism


The people who call themselves conservative have conserved nothing. That’s why the Constitution isn’t followed today.


That is partially true. Many so-called Republicans became statists and big spenders and abandoned conservative principles. I will grant you that. That’s why we voted for Trump because we did not trust establishment GOP politicians


No sir! The immigration issue is being addressed, while you think that it isn’t while many made their way into the country, things will be changing where a lot of them will be returning to their native countries! Trumps second term will be aggressive, scorched Earth right after indictments are announced! I don’t blame your skepticism but, if I am wrong I will gladly eat crow in front of you!

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Y’all from the hood? Or trailer part trash adopting Ebonics?

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