Smooth Sailing Ahead for Trump

Don’t mind the misinformed, keep posting the positives it does wonders for all the self loathing extreme white acolytes wallowing in their fear and hate! They simply can’t handle living in the now!

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Lol, that’s hilarious…:+1:

The black unemployment rate isn’t really down.

The black unemployment rate, and the unemployment rate in general is entirely irrelevant because it only takes into account those that are out of work and actively seeking employment. It excludes those that are incarcerated, those not seeking employment, and those that have been out of work for an extended period of time. The government does this on purpose in order to manipulate the numbers and make things look better than they really are.

Most of the black people that are unemployed are either incarcerated, or living off of welfare and not looking for work, and are thus not counted in the overall unemployment stats. Which means that the black unemployment rate is decreasing, while more and more blacks are either going to jail or living off of government handouts.

Rather than Trump exposing the real truth about black unemployment, he simply continues the practice of lying to the public in order to make himself and his administration look like they’re making a positive difference.

The only thing that matters is the workforce participation rate. And for black people, that has been on the steady decline since Obama took office back in 2008.

I’m disappointed in Trump. We can never fix the problem if we continue pretending that it doesn’t exist. Attempting to placate and appease blacks by lying to them about reality is a failed strategy that has only led to their current attitude of arrogance and entitlement.

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Only a small part of that is true. If people stopped looking for work then that’s on them, they should not be counted. Incarcerated people? LOL. They should not be counted either.

The only missing people which I agree with you on are people who stopped looking for work because they were disillusioned after not being able to find work. Those are the only small section not being counted who should be counted.

If you did take them into account though, unemployment would still be better than it has been in decades, so the good news still stands firm.

Make sure you tell them to use a condom when they are drilling you in your ass in the big house! They are coming for you!

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Trump will win. I am sure.

That article was right on the money.

Great post!!


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In my opinion, that number should be minuscule today. Irrelevant, even.

In most cases, “discouraged” is a convenient excuse, and nothing more.

PS: Just to be clear, I’m agreeing with you, T’Train!

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I think that this was an excellent assessment. Thank you for providing it.

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