Should President Trump Close the Southern Border?

That is not the only reason.

Overwhelmingly it is the primary reason. Had they not gotten control of congress at most we’d have a few of them still squalling about it.

Had the republicans taken an even bigger lead in the house making democrats totally irrelevant other than the typical squalling you get from those who are out of power it would be a dead issue like it was throughout the first two years.

No need to look for conspiracies when the obvious is so “obvious”.

You have been watching Fox news for too long!

Adam “shit for brains” has a credibility problem. You first bra!

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There I fixed it.

You can talk to yourself.

What’s that got to do with what we’re discussing? Shift has been leaking like a sieve for years.

It’s still just the same democrats pushing for impeachment, the only difference now is that they control the house and could actually hold impeachment hearings if they were serious about it.

If Trump isn’t tanking badly enough in the polls nine months from now they probably will just hoping to damage his reelection chances.

The only thing that has changed is that they now have the power to do so.

Your surrender is accepted. Run along now you are dismissed.

My cousin Vito has an answer for the wall!


That was funny, I was almost crying, but its so true.

I liked the kid sneaking into the movie theatre part, Vito is correct toss the kids out.

I vote for Vito’s plan.

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Doc, you need to start a new thread “vote for cousin Vito” :rofl::rofl:


Too much truth in that.

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