Shadow Pro China Group to Unleash 40 Million New Democratic Voters to Defeat Trump in 2020

Let me get this straight after reading this story, Democrats bitched and moaned about Russian collusion and spent 40 million investigating a story that they themselves fabricated ona false premise: “Russia Meddled in the US Elections” but no one is going to bat an eye with news of this story? Enlighten me as to what is different, because that is exactly what China is doing with the employment of these Shady operatives in order to defeat Trump in 2020 which is setting up to be a blood bath!

If this is true we should simply cut off trade with China completely until it is resolved and everyone involved with the group needs to go to prison.

If this is allowed without any vetting or challenges to them setting up shop then the entire lefts argument on collusion is not only hypocritical but should be used against them like a sledge hammer! I am sure the word “Democratic”that is backed with dark Chinese funding will get a blind pass and argued To make a defense along the lines of moral relativism to divert the attention come election season! This is extremely dangerous and certainly I am going to do more digging on this story to see where the alliances are going to be strategically and who is playing.

What I worry about are all of those dual Chinese-US citizens who are born here because their wealthy Chinese parents can afford it.

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Yeah, funny that you mentioned that, I was just reading about the anchor baby issue and one subject that was brought up is how many pro communist Chinese immigrated with their children and are now working for the Chinese as spies. This really infuriates me that we continue to ignore this very important issue that is a threat to not only our security but sovereignty as well! I am starting to see why so many here are starting to become frustrated with this administration because they haven’t done anything to make this issue front and center.

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Immigration gets talked about but I can tell you from my city and my neighborhood that NOTHING is happening. This country has been flooded by every non-Western country on Earth and our government sits by and does nothing…and in a lot of cases…encourages it.

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Well the sentiment on this issue is certainly changing, whether it’s too late to stem the tide only time will tell, but this election will be telling whether America is lost or not.

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This adds credence to our need to re-register all US citizens only (excluding felons) and provide voter IDs that are required to be presented at the polls.


States get to make that determination and more and more states are pushing for felons to vote - you can guess what color those states are.

Optical ID Scans are just about dead accurate. More accurate than fingerprints. Also facial recognition scans. This also works; if you vote illegally & are caught, you will be beaten to a bloody pulp. The security of our country is in the hands of legal voters. Anyone who interferes must be eliminated with a vengeance.

Race aside, it’s always been my opinion that felons should loose their right to vote only while they are paying their debt to society, not for life. That to me seems un American.

If a legal citizen pays their debt and walks the straight & narrow, they should have the right to vote. No illegal should be allowed to vote & interfere with our country’s security.

Yeah, that’s precisely what I was saying and have always believed.

Hey about you don’t derail another thread like you so frequently do here?

Funny that despite the fact that our entire IC has told us that Russia interfered in our 2016 presidential elections, and is now interfering in the 2020 elections, the Trumper dismisses that out of hand because it advantages Trump. But now that China might be interfering in a big way to advantage the Democratic Party, suddenly the Trumper is wringing his hands, all upset…snicker.

I don’t get it. the article says:

“Now, recall the 108 million people who were eligible but not voting? They are largely our ‘core’ constituency, or in other terms, they are our unorganized social base. This 108 million when compared to the voting electorate is more Black, more immigrant, more working class and poor.

If they are eligible but not voting, what’s the harm in getting them to vote. Every eligible voter should vote, and if we have to show ID or dip our thumbs in indelible ink like a third-world country to satisfy people that fraud is not an issue so much the better. I could use a Tuesday off in November.

Not quite accurate. The Federal Gov’t gets to determine the eligibility criteria for federal elections.

That is not what the thesis of the OP is about, its focus was intended to call out the fact that China is funding such operations and that is considered meddling in our elections. The double standard that is apparent here is that the same argument was used to try to put forth a false narrative by Democrats accusing the Russian’s of the same thing.

This was what I was referring to earlier

“Tucker Carlson – When spies have American ‘anchor babies”

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I must show ID to buy a pack of cigarettes. Hmmmmmmmmmmm