Shadow Pro China Group to Unleash 40 Million New Democratic Voters to Defeat Trump in 2020

Ah. Got it Dr_M.

From what i can tell, the main differences between the Russian meddling claims and the info presented here seems to be the heavily qualified and subjective nature of the claims and the domestic nature of the actors:

"The State Power Caucus has already had a major political impact in Virginia, Florida, Kentucky, Texas, California, and several other states. This alliance could decide the 2020 election—yet it’s operating almost completely “under the radar.”

  • major - defined how?
  • could - well lots of things could happen.
  • almost - defined how?

" What we do know is that most of its identified leaders come from “orbit” of Liberation Road—the United States’ main pro-China communist party."

  • most - defined how?
  • US citizens can be pro anything they want on their own initiative.

" Most known leaders of the State Power Caucus have some connection to Liberation Road. Known until recently as the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Liberation Road is descended from radical Maoist groups from the 1960s and ‘70s."

  • most - defined how?

" While no longer exclusively Maoist in outlook, Liberation Road maintains ties to China, Cuba, and other communist nations and movements."

  • ties - what kind of ties?

"Most of the State Power Caucus affiliates are led by Liberation Road cadre or supporters. "

  • most - defined how?

This seems to be more of an opinion/persuasion piece than any sort of hard reporting. I didn’t see any reference to direct foreign action, or even mention of a quid pro quo of action taken by US citizens involved in registering eligible voters for funds taken from China. If there is evidence of either it should of course be thwarted to the greatest degree possible. Our elections should be entirely our own.

Just my opinions of course.

At your age Jim, somehow I doubt that.

You maybe right, but I still think this group needs to be vetted to make sure there is no foreign influence in our election.

Absolutely. Hard to do while not stepping on 1st amendment rights tho. Keeping foreign entities from directly affecting/influencing our elections is hard. Keeping them from indirectly influencing citizens who then exercise their rights to free speech, to assemble, etc is really hard.

To make it more personally relevant, there may very well be people who are having their opinions influenced by foreign posters on this very forum. If a reader here then goes out and assembles for or against a certain position, well, is that person a tool of foreign influence, or a citizen exercising their rights?

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