Self Driving Cars - Yes or No

No it doesn’t. You might think so, but it’s just guessing. I remember the best GPS systems available to us in the 90s. It would always tell us that we were 50-70 feet away from whatever point we were looking for. The new system is better … +/- perhaps 10-12 feet.

“Way down” is still a lot of money.

You never fail to bring a laugh, Samm. Someone about your age group told me last month that there’s also no such thing as gigabit internet speeds for personal use. lol

No fault insurance. If no human was involved, each party’s insurance pays for their own damages and liability.

Like everything else, once the technology is viable, it’ll be one more thing we don’t think much about, simply take for granted.

But I would hope every care had the ability to switch from auto to manual.

You should talk to Zantax. He says +/- 16 feet. :wink:

Until smart cars start replicating themselves, there are humans involved.

I was talking about an accident. If humans were not in control, no fault would kick in.

No. Right now self driving car design and manufacturing lacks diversity. Fact is, diverse teams build better tech. Would you trust self-driving cars designed by a 96% male and 0% black team?

It would benefit automotive design teams to hire more women and people of color.

I don’t think it should be dependent upon diversity; that is Marxist Feminism. It should be dependent upon qualifications…who has the experience? The training? The credentialing?

Do you have evidence to support that a more diverse socioeconomic team does better than one that may not be as diverse? I don’t think that factors into mechanics at all. Why do you make everything about oppression and diversity? Is that all you see? Why can’t you see someone for their character, for the “invisible” qualities? Or are you just a troll? Surely someone cannot be this blind.

Are you implying that black people are better at mechanics than white people? That is racist.

Since when did self-driving cars become a racial issue?

Lighten up woman. You are going to burn yourself out. :neutral_face:

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I can only assume this is satire. Racist satire.

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Why don’t you ask that question to Google, for instance, who actively shill for Soros diversity agenda, yet they mainly hire whites, Asians and Indians for those kind of jobs. Maybe there’s a small number of blacks in there somewhere, dunno, but I haven’t seen it.


They would if they stopped up and instead of french art they specialized in ENGINEERING and DESIGN.

But no they should hire people that are not qualified for the job.

Judging people by the color of their skin or sex rather than the content of their character or by their skills.

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