Sanders cuts head on shower door, receives 7 stitches

Sen. Bernie Sanders cut his head on a glass shower door on Friday morning and received seven stitches, his campaign announced.

But the 2020 candidate was given a “clean bill of health” and will attend all of his previously scheduled campaign events over the next couple days.

Arianna Jones, a Sanders spokeswoman, said “out of precaution, he went to a walk-in clinic” to have the cut checked out.

“The senator has proceeded with all of his scheduled events — joining a group of approximately 20 local clergy for breakfast this morning — and looks forward to joining a roundtable with South Carolinians this afternoon to discuss how we can provide high quality affordable health care for all,” she added.

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Sanders cuts head on Ferrari door, calls ambulance, then increases interest rates.


I know Bernie like spending money on German cars but he should have not installed a German shower. That was a mistake.

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A giant bandage from falling in the shower is not a good look for “my age doesn’t matter” argument. This guy will probably croak before the election anyway.

He’s going to need to release those medical records now.

Thought the headline was going to say “Sanders cuts his head attempting to comb his hair for the first time in 25 years” :rofl:


It’s really interesting that this OP was created but there was no mention of Bernie being the first presidential candidate in US history to unionize his campaign.

That’s because no one cares.

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In which one of Bernie’s three houses did he cut his poor little head on?

If you’re older or prone to fall (as my handicapped sister is) you should use a shower chair. Pride can literally go before a fall in these cases.

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If we are talking shower chairs and Life Alert necklaces, the presidency is out of the question.

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I wonder what this accident will do to his clear marxist thinking?


Perhaps because his symbolic virtue signal is completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand?

Resulting brain scan showed NOTHING . :rofl:

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Unionized against??? Bernie Sanders. An odd MO that would appeal to a handful of union stalwarts.

Even worse than public sector unions that have to protect themselves from elected officials and voters.

I am very concerned for Bernies’ odds of making it to Nov 2020.

The shower door attack does not help.


I don’t know, perhaps I am being cynical but the first thing that came to mind when reading this OP was the Harry Reed incident where he ended up sporting a black eye with a shady explanation!

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I don’t buy him cutting his head on a shower door.

First, they are made of tempered glass so there would be no jagged edges if it broke, at least not at his height. Nor if it broke would it anything be left that high. More like he would cut his foot.

LOL. That was the attack of the treadmill.

Shower glass is pretty tough to bust…Says a lot about Bernies coconut skull density

Honestly, at least if they are going to make things up, they should know what sounds plausible.

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Has anyone noticed that these politicians always seem to get some kind of head or eye injury? It seems kind of strange. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say that they are participating in some kind of cult ritual.

Has anyone else ever noticed this?