Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Dead at 87

She’s been dead for months. This was opportunism.

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Suspend the filibuster, one week of hearing, confirm one of these folks to the Supreme Court, and Mitch McConnell will go down in history as an American Hero!!

Nine days ago:

Ted Cruz for SCOTUS

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She made the decision to die on the bench. That was her decision.


Now the filthy diseased cunt will burn in Hell. That was also her decision

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Bring on the Milf of Justice


You are getting old when you want to fuck SCOTUS judges

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The comments under the Breitbart article are heeeelarious

They are going to go ape shit. They are going to literally steal the election from Trump and I hope Trump declares martial law

Mommy gib milkies​:milk_glass::milk_glass::milk_glass:

First Good News of 2020!

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The Turtle is going to do it

Look at the last three paragraphs of his statement

He has the votes! He wouldn’t put that out there if he didn’t.

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I take back every bad thing I have said about the turtle. If that bastard pulls this off he is a fucking HERO.

He might also start a war. LOL.

If it can be proven, people will go to jail.

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Probably thought that Clinton would be elected and planned for a retirement after her election.

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The war has been on for so, time, Portland is in ruins as is Seattle and other cities.

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can’t…will need his vote. :wink:

Hello Conan! Good to see you again brother! I hope you staying safe and happy! God bless!

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