Retribution Has Begun: Iran attacks US bases in Iraq

Certain of our representatives are however entitled to that classified information, chairpersons of the HPSCI and SSCI for example. Intelligence and executive oversight are precisely two of their duties.

Well that was always my point. I wasn’t suggesting I personally was privy. But I suspect that was understood.

They are only entitled to that which the intel chiefs deem they are entitled to.

The current crop of dem’s have proven over and over they can’t be trusted not to leak classified reports and this is the price they will pay as a result.

Yeah, watch them blow head gaskets when the next Democratic Party president does congress the same way. You’d think people would understand declining precedent…:roll_eyes::thinking:

There is no “declining precedent”.

The same standards are in place today as have existed for decades.

They are not going to be given any intel that might if leaked compromise sources, methods, or ongoing operations.

That have never been substantiated nor could even be confirmed by Esper and Pompeo…

So oversight really doesn’t exist?

Haha. They also aren’t going to be given any intel that doesn’t exist…

If it did exist, I’m sure there are some cleared representatives that can be trusted to review the intel simply give a nod that yes, there was an imminent threat. Right now the administration just expects us to take it on faith that they are acting in the country’s best interest in this affair. Faith is a fine underpinning for your belief in God, the Easter Bunny, or Bigfoot. Not so much in this case. Whatevs. The truth will out.

I sincerely hope I’m wrong and there is good credible intel that correlates to our CIC’s assertions.

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If there were no intel Trump would not have even known who Solemani was.

If he only chose to share that information with those he selects they would all be pilloried and it would be declared he was acting unconstitutionally by again impeding a congressional investigation.

Democrats can’t be trusted, they are known leakers so the only way to deal with it is to keep everything restricted that could reveal sources, methods, or ongoing operations.

If you want better then stop voting for the same class of traitorous dem’s .

Haha. You must be one of those soy-addled pea-nuts if you think that clown in the White House has any intel analysis skills whatsoever. He’s already publicly spelled out in great detail his disdain for our intelligence services. The Soleimani targeting was done because “Regime Change” Mike told him to, plain and simple. One of those fluffers on Fox’n’Friends may have helped sway his opinion of course.

Like her?

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You must simply be full of shit.

He doesn’t need to have intel analysis skills he has thousands of people under him to do that.

Their jobs are to put that together, present the intel assessments to him along with possible responses and advise him on probable outcomes of such responses.

His job is just to decide if we’re going to respond at all, and if so how.

He obviously did his job.

Those are the same people and process he has pilloried since he was elected. If the only intel that monkey can support and act on is assassinating someone he’s a boob. A delinquent frying ants with a magnifying glass rubbing the woody in his pants.

The reason he had such a miraculous about-face on the intel communities’ capabilities and conclusions, and the reason the executive won’t present even a sanitized version of the intel supporting bone-spurs’ claims is because it. doesn’t. exist.

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Wrong, he pilloried individuals who are no longer with the administration, not the organizations themselves.


“We need somebody strong that can rein it in. Because, as I think you’ve all learned, the intelligence agencies have run amok. They have run amok.” -POTUS

“Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!” -POTUS

”They have no idea if it’s Russia or China or somebody. It could be somebody sitting in a bed some place. I mean, they have no idea.” -POTUS

And so on and so on.

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Put them in context please.

It’s amazing that you still emote after HRC went down in flames.

I was glad that she did and looked forward to Trump locking her up, but then he told a crowd of rally goers just before his inauguration that he never intended to do that, it was just campaign rhetoric to get you guys to vote.