Retribution Has Begun: Iran attacks US bases in Iraq

What’s fantastical is that after years of denial we see so many so candidly acknowledging what was denied for so long. Not just on this board. :thinking:

The flip flopping is reaching levels never before seen.

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No flip flopping you’re just making ridiculous claims that are completely unsupportable.

Israel has at most 10.5 million barrels of proven crude reserves and a few trillion cft of natural gas.

They can’t even produce enough to supply more than bout 1% of their own needs.

Well, for all the panic and wailing, it looks like no US casualties and no major damage to aircraft or facilities.

Iran has just proven how impotent they are militarily.

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To my pleasant surprise, in his first tweet since the Iranian attack, Trump takes a calmer head tone. Iraq has struck the US back, hit one of our bases, but with damage to infrastructure, and loss of some Iraqis in our employ, apparently no loss of American lives. The Iranians have done exactly as they have stated, a proportionate attack on a US interest in response to the targeting of their top general. Maybe calmer heads prevail, everybody saves face and we avoid a wider war. Balls in Trump’s court. Pentagon is awaiting daylight to report the extent of damage to our facilities.

Iran is a victim? Yeah, I get the history.

Scroll forward to today. Times are what they are. It is what is is.

Bygones need to be bygones and enough is enough.

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Compare life for a typical Iranian prior to 78 vs what it is today.

Which is/was better?

Depends upon what perspective is in power.

The deal is. Iran can chest beat all it wants.

The people of Iran are just like you and me. They want a future for their children. The ability to walk freely and go about their daily lives in peace.

It is a losing battle with the United States.

They know this yet ego forges them forward.

It is a no win for them.

Not really. Life was far better in every way for the Average Iranian prior to the revolution than it is today.

Culturally they went back six hundred years ushering in rule by strict Islamic Law which strips all but the privileged of virtually all liberty and freedom.


Quite so…

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You’re a complete Anti Semitic anal orifice. The only things missing in your picture is a towel on your inflated head and an SS uniform.
Hezbollah hasn’t a chance to defeat Israel only to be a pain in the ass.They deserve a safe and secure border like any other country.
When the U.S. retaliates against Iran, they’re will be a long line of Iranian soldiers waiting to see Allah and receive 72 virgins .
Once we start, there should be no holding back.Schorched earth all the way and capture or kill the Muslim clerics.
TRUMP IS GREAT 4 more years.

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Damn one must be truly smitten to ignore Trump’s flagrant disregard for a key campaign promise. Trump has sent troops to the ME several times this year, he has shredded a US agreement with Iran that locked up nuclear proliferation, applied economic crippling sanctions, and assassinated their top general. And you don’t see that it’s deluded. At least there are quite a few here that are being honest with themselves.

He hasn’t broken his promise. Conditions on the ground always dictate when and where troops will be moved.

Trump didn’t pick this fight, Trump didn’t pick the timing for it but he’s responding completely appropriately.

Hey guys - apparently all is well.


I wonder if this potential or probable war is going to break future US sanctions as well as the invincibility of the military?

The cracks have been showing…this should open up fault lines now.

The images of soldiers crying about a potential war with iran the past few days says it all.

The military is completely demoralized from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Afghanistan papers were just released exposing the absolute shit shown that war has been. Regardless of what the pro-war goons here say.

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If anything sanctions will be tightened even further and a fair portion of their military is going to be destroyed in the next 48hrs.

You’re just making shit up again.