Republican Failure! ☠ 🏴‍☠

Sounds stupid , they refuse to do their job , DUH !

Correction , this is a demonrat insurrection and Mayors and governors CONTROL what is happening in their shitholes . These are the very same demonrats cities and States that want to defund police and reduce their forces , what is their fucking JOBS ??? Now remove the Alien probe from your ass and screw your fucking head on and THINK !!! WTF SMH

Age of the article is irrelevant.

Well given what we know now as being the most corrupt president ever, his SS is the least of our worries!

There’s no way to unring a bell. The bogus SSN is just more evidence that Obama is a fraud…has long been a fraud…will remain a fraud.

So what’s Trump and the DOJ gonna do about it? I’ll tell you. Not a fucking thing. Same for Ilhan Omar.

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They are too busy investigating fake nooses in a multi-million dollar NASCAR garage.

It’s possible he put it there himself. He looks forward to all the attention and endless TV interviews.

I saw an article earlier today, that has since been taken down, that showed the inside of a typical NASCAR garage and they use ropes, in the shape of a noose, to open and close the garage doors. They have been doing it for decades.

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Here it is!

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Can you say “Tawana Brawley?” …or “Al Sharpton”?

Now add “Bubba Wallace”!

Just another race baiting black boy!

I hope that shithead loses every single endorsement after this. Of course he won’t…but he should.

Another Nesse Smollet!

Statues are being town down, churches are being set on fire, cops are being shot, stores are being looted, people are being attacked in their homes and on the street, Republicans are capitulating, anarcho-communist enclaves are being set up, the White House is under daily siege, and the FBI sent 15 agents to investigate a fake noose at a NASCAR game that turned out to be a garage pull.


Very well stated and to the point! It’s the truth! We should be thankful for people like Tucker and his advocacy for truth. He is the only one in MSM who is standing up and speaking it.

If “they” succeed in November count on this happening!

Black fragility is seeing a garage door rope and getting the FBI involved.

I bet that there are some drivers who supported him who are pissed off, but even after the hoax has been exposed, they STILL can’t say anything.

Cuz white privilege.

You have to stand there while some mullato lies to your face about your people being racist and awful to him even thought they did nothing but prop him up in a sport that you had to earn your way into.

Calling ■■■■ mean names doesn’t wake people up.
Talking about the talmud goes over a person’s head.
Showing the “fellow white people” twitter grabs wakes people up. Well done.

That is pretty accurate and probably closer to reality.