Republican Failure! ☠ 🏴‍☠

That would have to happen on a local and state level.

What can Trump or Republicans in congress do? Sure they can condemn the behavior but that’s about it.

Perhaps what they could do is pass a law that the Statues are considered Federal property as they belong to the people.

Then, maybe then we could prevent this from happening.

These are scary times. Very scary times.

I am just getting my head around the two SCOTUS decisions last week, in which they acknowledge that both were unconstitutional yet the reasons they gave were pretty flaky and now the courts are making law! Back to Tucker’s point, is that a power grab is happening by the Dems, and Republicans so it seems, are going along with it.

Obama was the asswipe that made every shooting about race and divided the nation to a point of no return . Yet like ALL demonrats and blm , they fail to address the senseless black on black murders WHY ? If black lives matter why are they afraid to address it ? Do votes matter MORE ?

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It’s all about the left and gaining permanent power.

Look at the last 3 years the media and left have driven every issue into a political issue to end Trump. Motivating hate is their primary goal today.


…as was (and still is) Barack Hussein Obama’s…the Kenyan Muslim that lied his way into the White House.

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I agree with Tucker - if the roles were reversed and this happened under the Obama administration there would have been a swift and immediate response and thousands of people would be facing decades in prison.


This actually began during GW’s time with the left and media.

Lied his way? What do you mean by that? Claiming to be a Christian when in fact he is a Muslim? Or was he more or less a Manchurian candidate?

Trump’s campaign at this point amounts to:

Biden sucks, wtf are you gonna do?

He believes he’s got America held hostage, not that he’s required to offer anything for us.

We’re supposed to celebrate his zionist BLM garbage like it’s not direct hostility toward us.

I cannot believe the government looks at me with a straight face and tells me young black men have violent outbursts because “systemic white supremacy” is a problem.

What a load of bullshit. As if they’re super peaceful without any whites around.


William Barr in a recent interview did acknowledge perverse racism against whites, and that shouldn’t be overlooked despite the obvious optics you are pointing out.

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My 2016 shitposting was focused on getting Trump elected.

My 2020 shitposting is focused on burning down the GOP for years of surrending to the bolshevik left.

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10 Biggest Lies Obama Told Everyone

He Promised Not To Spy On US Citizens
He Promised To Make Government More Open
He Promised Not To Raise Taxes
He Promised To Promote Freedom Of Speech
He Promised Not To Use Presidential Signings To Bypass Congress
He Promised To Campaign For Peace
He Promised To Not To Come After American's Guns
He promised to Lower US Debt
He promised to Close Guantanamo Bay Prison
He Promised GMO Food Labeling Obligatory

These are just the lies that were revealed after he was elected. Therefore, he lied his way into the White House.

He also lied about some more significant things

  • He’s a Muslim, not a Christian
  • He’s a Kenyan, not an American citizen

He represents the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American voters.

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Leaving you with the regressives of the left and Biden with his joke VP.


I wish everyone would get thicker skin, especially ‘conservatives’. Get used to being called a racist, fascist and terrorist. This is why the left is winning, too many on our side are scared of being called a name that is not true.

The old saying: “I’m rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you”. Projection simplified.

Attempted to undo an election they did not like with the help of back stabbing RINOs .

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Another back stabber , unhappy with Trump’s remarks about the war . Let not get into slimball McCain .

And his disassociation with racist “rev.” White . The media was mute about Obama and White and the evil shit he preached . It’s hard to take the ghetto out of both and it surfaced quickly .


My grandmother’s old saying is less puerile:

“Just because someone calls you something doesn’t mean that’s what you are.”

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