Real MAGA Has Never Been Tried

Yes. I know that. My response was sarcastic and facetious.

My point exactly.

She spews garage to inflame her following.

Funny that you mention this as today I was wondering if literature and I mean “Actual Real” Literature is dying with the newer generation?

She is an excellent writer, I will give her that but she is getting out of touch and is more about self than selfless. I remember William F Buckley and how he used to write, objective, to the point and principled, I am not sure what Ann Coulter is or if she actually knows what is going on behind the scenes.

She is an acquired taste! She does nothing for me in terms of evoking a deeper thought on what solutions to arrive at.

While I agree with her on many things she’s mostly a self important intellectual snob who’s only real interest is self promotion.

She can’t even articulate cogently what it is that Trump has done to earn her newfound disdain.

We elected a president who is bound by statute and court orders, not a Tyrant who can rule by brute force.

Our system by design resists rapid, dramatic societal change and that is what has allowed us to continue to exist since the founding with only one major rebellion.

I am so excited for Trump to MAGA I just hope he gets started really soon.

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I always thought “Neo-Con” was “New Con-artist” that has emerged. It usually is referenced to describe a politician from both spectrums of ideological thought. Of course the parallels of “Snake Oil salesmen” can infer that the term can transcend to others posing in other professions to sell an unsuspecting populace a fake bill of goods!

The term originally as coined was applied to former democrats who came over to the Reupblican Party and Pro Interventionist Republicans that had always been somewhat silent within the party.

Prior to about 74 Republicans as a party were very non interventinists often bording on isolationist but with modern transportation, communication, and the interlinking of the worlkds major economies they finally realized we can’t ignore what’s going on in the rest of the world.

Iran is a great example. If they get control of the Gulf Region they will control about a 1/3 of the world’s petroleum supply with Russia controlling about another quarter of it.

They could then conceivably overnight drive the industrialized world into the deepest depression we’ve ever seen.

Forget all the BS about Israel holding us hostage for their benefit, Iran clearly poses a major threat to the entire civilized world both economically and through funding their terrorist proxies who have been striking the west now for four decades with Iran’s direct support, training, blessing, and at their direction.

We could have had peace in Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the ME as a whole three decades ago if not for Iran’s constant efforts to keep the region at war and to keep the price of petroleum inflated with constant threats to interfere with the supply.

Of course, people will try to then argue that N. America is basically now self sustaining when it comes to petroleum and that’s true, but it does’t divorce us from the price as dictated by the international market.

“White” :rofl:

Do you mean English, Swedes, Germans, or the darker complected (yet white?) southern Europeans?

We were quite verbally abusive to each other. The point was to encourage each other to achieve.

My favorite Euro joke of all time:

In a perfect world one would have,
A English butler
A French chef
An Italian lover
A German mechanic

In the real world we usually get
A French butler
An Italian mechanic
A German lover
and an English chef

If you don’t understand that, then you don’t understand shit about “white” people in the 20th century.

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And the country you describe won’t ever exist again. What’s not to understand? You got to experience the benefit of it. Your grandkids will grow up in a brown third world hell. They will likely be bred out of existence.

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Nature is pretty simple, you adapt or die.

You a can adapt to the changes that are coming, leave the country, or die miserably filled with hate.

There really are no other options.

Yeah, we can thank hippie boomers for that, who bought into (((equality))) and (((globalism))) nonsense. And of course they are here now, still screaming about non-existent “hate” and “racism”. Truly the SJWs, Semitic Justice Warriors.


They bought into it because when they stopped with all of their degenerate free sex and drugs, they wanted to get as rich as possible while not only screwing their countrymen over but also screwing over the people of other countries. It’s all about them and it always has been. Hooray for the boomers and screw everyone else.

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Two SCOTUS appointees who believe in the written constitution. He got started when he was inaugurated.

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One SCOTUS appointee who believes in the Constitution. A second SCOTUS appointee who is a tool of the neocon establishment, just like John Roberts.

For those who keep claiming the courts can’t stop or delay Trump’s construction plans.

A dose of reality.

I’ll stand with Queen Ann any day of the week over Trump. 2019 has consistently had record numbers of Third World invaders flooding across the southern border. And to boot, Trump / Kushner want to massively increase Third World legal immigration to replace American workers and drive down wages. Coulter is right; Trump, wrong.

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You do realise that Americans can’t meet the demand of the high skilled workers that the work force is calling for? At record unemployment numbers and continuing to fall, there are more job demands for workers then there are native born Americans can fill! Sorry but Anne doesn’t know how the economic numbers of a growing economy works! The latest economic reporting supports that as a fact! If we had higher unemployment rates then she would have an argument, but as of right now she is just blowing hot air and is full of it!

As far as illegal aliens, what can Trump do if congress and the courts are obfuscating at every pass his plan to address the issue? It is up to congress to address the issue and Change the laws that are currently causing this crisis! Meanwhile Trump has to fight it out in the courts in order for his EO’s to stand and address this issue!

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For centuries countries have defended their borders from invaders by means of rocks, stones, bricks, arrows, swords, muskets, rifles, bayonets, boiling hot oil, bayonets, flame throwers and more.

This is not a new problem, and seems only to be a problem for the US because of the Democrats.

Guns at the border and guns in DC to stop the invaders and their enablers.

Agree, but those were different times and currently we are Swimming in a sea of beuracrats with an apathetic populace too scared to do anything and expecting Washington to do it for them! We shouldn’t be surprised by the results if “WeThe People” can’t make a stand on principle to hold elected officials accountable and demand they do their jobs!