They have all gone quiet because they know they are finished and they are terrified about what comes next.
All they have now are pathetic racist whimpers.
We are coming for them and they know it.
They have all gone quiet because they know they are finished and they are terrified about what comes next.
All they have now are pathetic racist whimpers.
We are coming for them and they know it.
You must be watching CNN and MSNBC with their shitty camera angles and intentional shots of sparsely populated areas. The turn out has been significant and continues to grow.
milk truck arrived
Wow - that’s a fine looking patriot with some lower back problems!
You have to admit that Trumps entire legal team have not had the success he was hoping for.
Hey DOUCHE BAG, were you there?? I’m on the bus going home from the rally. There were more people than your FEEBLE could count and I didn’t see any CHICKEN POOP BLMERS . Biden supporters were probably hiding in fear if they opened their mouths at the rally because they would have to see a Dentist and a Proctologist after getting their PUUSY ASS kicked.
How can you LIMPWRISTS hurt anyone!!!
It is far from over though, as the legal obstacles are multi-layered.
Talking trash? You are hallucinating. Internal voices.
I know you sheep like substituting your feelings for facts, but here it is, your Low turn out!
Got to love this!
This was a pretty based speech today…it will probably get pulled down off YouTube before too long.
I am reading reports that the Proud Boys and Antifa/BLM are going at it in DC. There have been multiple stabbings so far tonight and of course, Antifa/BLM has instigated the majority of the violence because they are sneaky and dishonorable pieces of shit.
That suckerpunch…and here I thought they were the ones who were oppressed and afraid to walk in the streets because of white violence.
Hitting first makes you go to jail first. White men don’t want to go to jail because they like being free. joggers don’t think that far ahead, it’s why after punching a man out like that they cry I DINDU NUFFIN while getting tasered by the police while their fat mammy is screaming LEAVE MY BABY ALONE HE DINDU NUFFIN DIS BE POLICE BRUTALITY!
Oh here is more! The tolerant left!