Question for White Forum Members

You are correct. They mean nothing to me. And for the sake of discussion I am stipulating that there are such differences.

We are all equal under the law and in the eyes of God. Hypothetically, if one race were superior to the other it would not lessen the humanity and God-given dignity of all human beings. We all came from Adam, and to dust we shall all return.

Again, hypothetically, if one race is better at sports, and another better at science, and so forth, let them all find their place is a society which promises liberty and justice for all, under the eyes of One God in whose image we are ALL created.

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We call people like you azzholes.

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I don’t care. If I can get banned for saying that no Christian engages in ignorant name-calling of other brethren in Christ, or if I can get banned for asking that my thread not be derailed, then I would not want to be here anyways.

More like cyber parasites! Every forum has them.

Sorry, I was only responding.
Keep on asking the question. I enjoy reading the responses.

I understand. Make a thread, I would be happy to throw in my POV

Sorry after re reading I completely missed your point. Different racial groups do have different inherent voting preferences it has been proven that certain groups for southeast Asia as an example are far more likely to vote for authority governments and socialist policies off the top of my head I do believe the blacks are more conservative then some other groups

This thread is nothing but generalized racist nonsense.

Reading the comments of many of the “Christians” in this thread…

Absolutely disgusting.


Your avatar is racist nonsense

They are heretics no different that that prancing freak in the video. They are making their own interpretation of the written Word to fit their political and ideological narrative.

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I appreciate that you express your views thoughtfully, unlike others here. I do disagree with you though.
I believe that the natural state of man is to be free. I believe that the yearning for authentic liberty and freedom is written in the human heart by God.
Anybody who actually wants to be oppressed has learned that. Somehow, some way, it has been imbued upon them, but I do not believe it is the natural trait of any man.

This coming from the person who constantly calls people names and says the most vile things about them because he doesn’t agree with them.

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I think I would choose the all black island because this is what would happen when I would show up. Real world example of your scenario.


lol looks like they miss Rhodesia

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False Prophets and Teachers

2 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

Boo hoo. My facts don’t care about your feelings.

Totally WRONG!! In my scenario, all the blacks are God-fearing, conservative, hard-working good American patriots who love God, Country and family. They are not starving third-world ignoids.

Second: My question had nothing to do with how events would unfold. My question simply asked what sort of people you would rather spend your life with: 1) God-fearing, conservative, hard-working good American patriots who love God, Country and family?
or 2) a bunch of snotty, woke, leftwing, socialist, BLM/Antifa Godless scum.

I would choose to spend my life with God-fearing, conservative, hard-working good American patriots who love God, Country and family.

I thought the choice would be obvious in this forum. But bigotry, hate and stupidity are blocking many of you from making the correct choice.

The correct choice is an island of thots that I could rule over. Pic is very fucking related.