Question for White Forum Members

We are not talking about one war, there are many to which whites fought against whites. History is a culmination of events that leads to present day discourse. Take the civil war as one glaring example. How many blacks fought and died in that war compared to whites?

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What is your point?

Whoā€™s version of history? Are you stating that there is one agreed upon version or many different contextual lenses - which are rarely considered because they donā€™t support the victorious side?

How many whites fought and died to allegedly free a group of people that have needed nothing but handouts, commit the vast majority of violent crime against whites, and who now desecrate the monuments and graves of those who helped to free their supposed ancestors?

Was this truly and objectively a win? Given the current context - since thatā€™s the framework you are using to make your argument?

My point is Whites killed each other thus harming their demographics of today

That is irrelevant, its widely accepted as fact who fought those wars through out history.

You are pivoting from the actual question I ask you, not your soap box so you can vent your grievances.

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You are missing the point of this retarded thread.

Democrats believe race and gender does not matter, except hate white men.

Unlike Republicans who have totally BASED women and blacks saying: race and gender does not matter, except hate white men.

You may be thinking: But, Republicans donā€™t hate white guys.

Thatā€™s why they make such an effort to distance themselves from any white person who is proud of their heritage and history.

Supporting them might look too much like not hating white guys after all.

You assume much about what I think.

No I donā€™t think that at all! Again you assume what I think!

My point is I do support white people, but I support all people of color and I am not one who is consumed with identity politics. I love God, I love Family and I especially love guns. Disparaging another because of their race goes against my tenets of beliefs, and is not only a negative cause, but does nothing to bring about a more positive outcome.

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You bring up history as if you are some kind of expert but you have absolutely no grasp of how or why demographics in the United States shifted the way it did. There was something called the ā€œbaby boomā€ in the US after World War II which completely obliterates the point you were making. At that point in time, America was a majority white county, filled with prosperity and a booming population.

Then came the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965 which prohibited mass immigration from European countries, the exact type of immigration that built the United States, and instead made the official immigration policy of the United States to only take in brown third worlders. Add that immigration adjustment to the wide open borders of this country and the endless flood of illegals and you get a massive demographic shift that canā€™t be overturned.

Pay attention.

Once again proving your public school educational level that has it wrong. Civil war? Hello?

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Nah - answer him on Hart-Cellerā€¦and prove him wrong

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The US was 88% white after the civil war and 90% during the Baby Boom period, with a substantially larger population.

Its irrelevant and again both of you are not seeing what I am saying. So lets put this another way shall we?

First the Civil war

Estimated casualties was something in the neighborhood of 700,000+ that died.

World War 1 Estimated casualties 40 million

World War 11 Estimated Casualities 80 Million

Franco Prussian war, +300,000 (this is estimated because no one knows the exact number)

The Russina casualties in the last 200 years is too many to count.

My point is, had the men fighting these wars which were predominantly white had lived to have off-spring, the world would be far vastly different both in the US and in Europe today.

Immigration is entirely relevant and is the root cause of the demographic shift of the US. There is no arguing it.

Culture is firmware.

People are hardware

Your firmware is not likely to run on the wrong hardware.

That maybe true, but what was the ratio of the population back then to the birth rate after the war?

Not to what I m saying. If you want to discuss immigration and its demographics, that is a seperate topic. You want to excuse the cause and effect of history only proves how shallow your perspective is, which is always whenever trying to make arguments or for that matter make vain attempts at having rational discussions here. I am not wrong in what I am pointing out, you are just being purposely obtuse about acknowledging it.

Donā€™t know the exact ratios. Do know that in 1900 the population was around 70 million and the country was 90% white. By 2000 it was over 250 million. Thatā€™s only 100 years and in 2000 the US was 72% white. The population expanded after wars. However, the expansion couldnā€™t keep up with the pace of third world immigration after 1965, which was by design.

Why is it that every other race on the planet is entitled to live in white countries and white countries have to take them in?

Why is it that third worlders make us ā€œstrongerā€ through their diversityā€¦but donā€™t make their own countries stronger when they are living there?

Bruh - you were the one who derailed the thread with this topic. The thread was originally about a genie in a bottle who had an agenda to promote white guiltā€¦using two mythical islands.

Reminder: Iā€™m not even fooking white lol

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Iā€™m hapa - and I get it.

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Iā€™m mystery meat. Still doesnā€™t change my views.

Then how do you explain in 2000, white low birth rates to which they no longer will be the majority?
Again, I go back to my original point if offspring from previous generations were able to produce the countries demographics would be way different today. Immigration happened because their werenā€™t enough laborers to fill the demand of the workforce.

I donā€™t know. Why donā€™t whites just create their own country? Oh wait they did. Engand, and they seem to be consumed by their own white guilt that they feel obligated to take in third world migrants.

No argument from me on that one, and of course we can get into that can of worms as to why its happening, because most of the countries they come from are rife with corruption. If whites desire it so, why not make it so they can invest in those countries where the desire for immigration is not needed?

But in 2000, the white demograhic has drastically changed. Whites soon will no longer be the majority. This of course is due to low birth rates, and its not only happening in the US but in most of Europe as well. Hence the fact that importation of slave labor came from outside.

Feminism. Women being told to get an education, join the workforce, and miss out on crucial child-bearing years to become a debt/wage slave to global financeā€¦who were funding third world immigration into the US to drive down wages while simultaneously driving the good paying jobs overseas lol

Neither am I

Well apparently you felt the need to respond when you could have simply ignored my comment altogether. Seems you couldnā€™t help yourself to put in your own .02 worth which makes you equally guilty.